Kid Accidentally NAILS his Dad in the Head with a...
- This wholesome dad took a second to collect himself...
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25 Parents Roasting The Hell Out Of Their Kids
- They might be pure savage.
Kid Goes Escalator Sledding Right in Front of Cop
- It's like something from a "Mall Cop" scene.
Entire Bus Cheers as Young Kid Hits the 'Griddy'
- The griddy dance has now made its way to the children....
Bus Bump
- Watch closely to what happens to the kid at the very...
Humping Baby
- This doll really gets it by a really horny baby! This...
Smack Down
- Kids, let this be a lesson to you. Don't eat cookies...
- This 4 year old rapper is taking the world by storm!
Hissy Fit
- Something tells us that this kid forget to take his...
Bridge Prank
- This kid has some really mean friends.
Bad Babysitter
- Don't let this guy baby-sit your kids!
New Feeding Technique
- A young mother shares her upside down breast feeding...
G.I. Joe PSA: Kids Fry
- G.I. Joe PSA's
Fire Jumper
- Camping trip, drunk kids, bonfire jumping. What could...
Cat vs Kid
- Classic: This cat gets revenge.
Poop Back and Forth
- This kid says this perfectly serious and it makes the...
Look who is six!
- Awesome prank played on a tv station.
Bottle Breaker
- This kid breaks a beer bottle over his head!
Backpack Hit
- Kid chucks his backpack across the classroom to hit an...
Can Crush
- The looks on this kids face make the video.
Subway Save
- Amazing footage of a child stuck on subway tracks...
Kids Plan Backfires
- Gotta love when a plan blows up in your face.
Kids Boxing
- I know they're young.... but that's one helluva punch.
Paintball Shootup
- These kids shoot their dad up with automatic paintball...
Rap Battles - Jeff Gets Owned
- A pretty funny rap battle where the skinny white kid...
He-man PSA
- He-man doles out some helpful advice for the kids.
Iraqi Kids Learn English
- US Soldiers help Iraqi Children learn their first...
Weight Lift Accident
- This kid passes out after he gets the bar onto his...
Kid Scares Dad
- A human Jack-in-the-Box!
Kids Smoking Weed
- Some terrible guardians teaching two children under...
Scot Pollard
- Scot Pollard of the Cleveland Cavaliers has a message...
Rubber Boy
- This kid might as well be made out of rubber!
Tiniest Mother
- This woman may soon hold the record for being the...
- This kid tries to swing from some overhanging bars......
Nailed With Hammer
- This kid gets nailed right on the forehead while...
Propane Explosion
- Some kids in a boat shoot a flaming propane tank with...
Three Armed Baby
- Only one short of having a real life Goro.
Celebrities as Kids
- Check out what celebrities looked like before they got...
eBaum's Picks