Boy Wants to Kill the President
- Better watch out, Mr. President.
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Super Duper Pooper
- Funny potty training video with a creepy guy who comes...
Playground for Bears
- Some nice parents decided to build their kids a...
Biz Markie Kid's Show Beatbox
- Biz's career has come pretty far.
Mini bikes Are Dangerous
- This dad tries to stop his son on a mini bike and...
Prank Goes Wrong
- This kid gets nailed when he attempts to scare his...
Self Keg Stand Gone Wrong
- Ownage on a keg stand!
Cable Guy Hit in the Nuts
- This brat needs to get a beating after hitting this...
Fence Jump Fail
- This kid tries to jump a fence and fails miserably. ...
Football Player Pukes on Field
- This kid hit so hard in a college football game, he...
Adorable Marine Baby
- He takes after his daddy he does!!
Boy Suspended for Obama T-Shirt
- He was only trying to express his freedom of his speech
Little Bill O'Reilly
- Has Bill always had this kind of temper?!
Birthday Clown vs Dad
- People need to really check out these guys before they...
Kid Dances Like A Fool
- Anyone who puts this on the Internet deserves any...
Little Bill O'Reilly Part 2
- Little Bill battles Barney Frank on the Factor!
Them Rubber Balls.......
- They come bouncing back to you....lol
eBaum's World Users As Children
- Check out this pictures from some of our user's...
Most Improbable Lil Jon Mashup Ever
- Go ahead, show this to your four year old..
You're Fired
- You know times are tough when people like this are...
David Beckham's Son's Car
- Beckham's son drives a $72,000 toy Porsche!
Toddler Breaks Nose
- This little kid breaks his nose on some dangerous...
Kid Destroys His Nuts And Face
- He couldn't have performed a better execution for our...
I Don't Like You Mommy!
- Classic: The logic of a child....priceless.
Face Plant Mishap
- This kid learns what dirt tastes like, the hard way.
Kid Shoots A Can Off His Buddies Head
- Not impressed? He does it with a hockey stick and a...
Pogo Stick Backflip Nutshot
- Insane kid tries to backflip from one pogo stick to...
Kid Fails Bike Trick
- I don't think he was supposed to hit the rail like that
Who Says American Cars Aren't Built to Last?
- What a '93 Grand Prix and a little boredom have in...
Saved By the *Beep*
- What the kids of Saved By the Bell were really...
Pre Game Head Kick
- Some kid decides to practice his martial arts moves...
Taco Bell Sex Scandal
- Do people not have homes to do this in? or not know...
Four Layer Bubble
- The kid in me would enjoy running up and popping it!
Naughty Turn Innocent Drawings
- You'll see it, but your kids won't
Cops Kill Kids Dog!
- Two cops taze and shoot a vicious Chihuahua?
When Trees Attack
- Or when stupid kids fall, your choice.
Puppy Sewer Rescue
- Idiot kid flushes down his puppy in middlesex..... The...
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