12 Year Old Pong Master
- Anyone need him for your beer pong team?
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Police Pepper Spray 8 Year Old at School
- This kids teachers could not handle him-- they had...
Kid Falls From a Bike and Faceplants
- Or would "face grind" be a much more accurate term?
13 Year Old Hit By High Speed Train
- Amazingly he escaped with his life. Gets back up, and...
Parents Surprise Kids with Disney Vacation Fail
- "Um, yeah, why don't you call me when Disney World is...
Punk Won't Shut Up at Tennis Match
- An old man comes to the rescue handling it...like a...
Pure Ownage
- This is why they don't teach kids sword fighting in...
The Gifts You Wanted To Open Christmas Day
- A little childhood cheer ! remember not to give your...
Kid Thrown Out of Moving Car
- Still alive? Have a kick in the chest!
Soccer Mom Absolutely Shredding on the Drums
- She's a pro, which I am sure is something her kids...
My First Hardcore Song - by 8yr old Juliet
- "Let's Open Up This Pit"
Disney World Surprise Fail
- I like how you hear the dad in the background going...
- If you were a kid in the eighties then these pictures...
Then And Now
- "Back To The Future II" by Irina Werning. The...
Putting Out Candles With a Hockey Puck
- With skills like that, this talented little kid will...
Blind Piano Prodigy Plays Dubstep After One Listen
- This kid is awesome! Watch the full unedited version...
Caine's Arcade
- A 9 year old boy, who built an elaborate cardboard...
9 Year Old Suspended Fighting Back Against Bully
- This kid did the right thing by standing up for...
LOL Television Gif Quiff
- "In this gallery someone's gonna get burned!"
21 Year Old With 10 Kids on Judge Judy
- This idiot, you just have to see this. He attempts to...
9 Year Old Beer Pong Champ in Training
- A nine year old kid shows off his best ping-pong ball...
Stuff Mom Wouldn't Let You Have As A Kid...
- That you can buy now!
Volleyball Takes Out Player And Spectator
- After hitting the player, the ball trips up a student.
Jose Barrientos Epic Speech Class Prank
- He reveals to his classmates that hes been faking his...
Officer Eric Spoerle Surprises His Kids At NFL...
- The Army chief returns home surprises his family...
The Little Drummer Boy
- A 10 Year old autistic boy drums like a boss on a...
Skim Boarder Wipes Out
- This kid tastes the beach...and he does not like it.
This Baby Knows More About Classic Rock Than You
- Team up with this kid during trivia!
A Showoff's Bench Press Fail
- In an attempt to show how "swole" he is, this kid...
Skater Breaks His Arm
- He should have quit while he was ahead!
Third Grader Hits Half-Court Game-Winner
- Mason Kunkel wins the game with a half-court shot.
6 Year Old Girl Owns Her Competition
- A young girl tears up the stage with some sick moves!
The Meaning Of Life And The Universe
- As told by an amazingly smart 9 year old!
Ex Cheerleader Accused Of Sexual Assault
- WTF is going on these days?
6 Year Old Drummer Plays Hot For Teacher
- An awesome display of talent from this little guy!
Ship My Pants? You're Kidding
- Ship your pants, your bed, ship whatever you want!
NastyCobra's Pic Dump
- Wrap up the weekend with a healthy dump!
Toddler Lets Dad Know Who Is Boss
- Worry about yourself!
An Exciting Trip To Walmart
- Just grabbing some stuff for the tweakend.
Homemade PVC Water Bazooka Fail
- Careful with that thing, you'll put your eye out!
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