Kid Having His Stolen Nintendo Replaced By His...
- Sean Hawkins, seen in the video, had written an...
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Gunned Down And Left For Dead: Ross Capicchioni's...
- This kids story about his brush with death will make...
12 Of The Most Expensive and Famous Guns Of All Time
- From Wyatt Earp's Revolver to a pair of .45's made...
19 Celebrities Who Look Identical To Their Children
- Some of these celebrities have incredibly strong genes.
Tom Brady Cuts Ties Radio Show After Host Insulted His...
- For a second this radio show host thought he was...
Kids Gets Expelled From High School After Bragging...
- When you forget that the Internet hates people like...
Experience Hell On Earth As Child Screams On an...
- During an 8 hour flight from Germany to Newark, this...
Dad Lets His Son Drink Soda For the First Time When...
- Mommy wasn't around, so dad thought it was a good idea...
Teen’s Flawless Logic Destroys Corrupt Council...
- We could use more people like this: He's only 18 but...
Chinese Boy Short Circuits An Elevator With His Pee...
- This punk kid wanted to leave his mark on this...
Weird Kid Breaks a Record Snapping a Mozart Classic
- University student Satoyuki Fujimura is the proud...
Father Of The Year Has A Controversial Yet Effective...
- Dad demonstrates how you teach your kids respect.
Kindergartner Had to Make a Weather Report for School,...
- Carden was supposed to do the weather for his school,...
Guy Using The Bathroom Gets a Surprise Visitor
- Poor lil guy just wanted some help washing his hands!
Guy's Amazing Transformation Will Leave You Breathless
- This guy's body transformed is like something out of a...
UK Teens Start New Dangerous Trend of 'Surfing' on Top...
- The UK train surfing scene has kids with GoPro's...
Rich Kid Wrecks His Brand New McLaren 720s
- This dip shit crashes his new car in one of the worst...
Allow This Total F*cking Zombie to Scare Your Kids...
- This person on spice is a good example of of why not...
15 Instances Of Someone Having A Worse Day Than You
- When they said bad day, they weren't kidding.
French Artist Combines Photos To Create Surreal Works...
- This is what happens when kids around the world begin...
36 Delightful Pics That Will Entertain and Amuse You
- Pssst... hey kid, you wanna see some pics?
11 Products From The 90's You Need To Relive Your...
- Grab some sick 90's swag for you or the kids.
Crazy Lady Kills A Man After Driving Onto The Field...
- No children were hurt but she struck and killed a...
Brooklyn Mom Gets Turnt on Fellow Subway Passenger
- This mom don't take no shit sitting down.
Kid Who Definitely F*cks Gets Arrested for Riding Dirt...
- Taking the senior pranks just a little too far, aren't...
19 Fun Facts to Frantically Flip Through
- Feed your head hamster with these 19 trivial bits.
2014 CNN Video About Children Crossing The Border...
- If you can control the narrative you can control the...
School Bully Picks A Fight With The Wrong Kid
- This bully thought he was tough until he met someone...
Youtuber Exposes The Absolute Cringfest That Is...
- I’m so glad I grew up before my cringe was recorded...
Idiot Kid Tries To Steal From The Wrong House
- Good thing this guy rigged his house with alarms or...
Worker Incredibly Saves a Child as He Falls 4-Stories
- Watch the top left corner of the video. A small child...
18 Pics That Hit Like A Ton Of Bricks
- Take a deep breath before looking at these.
17 Late Night Pics To Put You To Bed
- When you were a kid you read bedtime stories, now you...
Spiteful Ex Angrily Explains Why She Was a Mistake
- "You shouldn't have tried to turn a hoe into a...
Woman Goes the F**k Off on Her Boyfriend After He Buys...
- Holy crap! This little lady has big attitude!
39 Visual Delights To Entertain and Amuse You
- Psssst... hey kid, you wanna see some pics?
11 Things Your Parents Never Let You Have as a Kid
- Your parents would have never let you buy any of this,...
Absolutely Savage Little Girl Punches Down A Tree In...
- Evnika Saadvakass, a 10-year-old from Voronezh,...
Mom's Ridiculous Tweet Gets Savaged by the Internet
- Mom makes a ridiculous post about her son. Son becomes...
Foo Fighters Invite a 7 Year Old Boy On Stage To Give...
- Dave Grohl asks the kid if he knows how to play any...
eBaum's Picks