Real Sex Tips From Women's Magazines
- Some seem legit, others not so much...
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Grandma Wants Some Booty - Prank
- A lil ole lady asks random strangers for sex.
Sex World Records
- These heroes make the world a better, sexier place.
Couple Looks Identical But Are Different Sexes
- Can you tell which one is which gender?
15 Celebrities With STDs
- Celebrities who have contracted STDs, not all are from...
Funny, Gross, And Weird Animal Sex Facts
- The animal kingdom is FULL of perverts.
Your Body During Sex
- Do it again and again and again and again...
23 Sex-Ed Questions From Kids
- Kids ask the best questions!
10 In Depth Statistics About Casual Sex
- Thousands of American adults got polled about their...
100 Years of Female Sex Symbols
- 24 of the most famous sex symbols in the last 100...
Guy Enjoys Having Sex With Strangers Car
- Look at the tailpipe on that beauty.
The Interesting Process of Making Sex Toys
- This was oddly satisfying, and in a non-sexual way.
Guy Creates The Ultimate Playlist For Great Sex
- This dude is going down in the history books.
Check Out How These Lifelike Sex Robots Are Made
- Are these the love-industry workers of the future?
Lady Explains How You Can Get Pregnant From Anal Sex
- Is she f*cking kidding?
Guy's Try To Launch Sex Doll With Fireworks
- What could go wrong...?
10 F*cked Up Bible Verses about Sex
- It's not NSFW; it's the Bible!
Guys Troll A Live BBC Broadcast With Sex Sounds
- The madlads actually did it.
26 Tidbits Of Knowledge About Sex For Your Satisfaction
- These might stimulate your brain.
Men Share the Mistakes Women Make During Sex
- FYI, ladies.
25 Funny Sex Memes That Will Start You Up
- These might help you.
27 Funny AF Sex Tweets and Memes to Totally Disrupt...
- Sex-related tweets and memes that are impossible not...
20 Embarrassing Sex Stories That'll Make You Cringe
- Sex is a wonderful thing, but with just one mishap it...
23 Sex Memes For People Who Are Getting Laid
- D-d-d-doin' it, doin' it, yeah!
27 Sex Memes For the Deranged and Deprived
- If you're feeling a little bit frisky, check out these...
20 Things Sex Ed Didn’t Prepare Us For
- Sex education can't prepare you for everything under...
Sucker Punch
- Sucker punch only begins to describe this dispicable...
Matrix Mouse
- This mouse has moves that would put Neo to shame...
Car Drifting
- Stepping out of moving vehicles can be dangerous...
Hop to the Top
- Use the arrow keys to move your ball to the top!
- Can you solve this in under 100 moves?
- Wait for the arrow to point in the direction you want...
Ball Revamped
- Fight gravity, move your ball to the square.
Circle Breaker
- Move your paddle by holding down your mouse button.
- Move around with your mouse to try and capture all the...
Toon Shift
- Position the arrows to move the creatures to the...
Hotty Dance
- This girl has some real moves.
Close Call
- This guy moved away just in time.
Crazy Eye
- One eye moves independent of the other.
Bird Dance
- This bird has moves.
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