Baby Break Dance
- A breakdancing child prodigy shows off his moves!
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Call On Me
- The best dance moves I've ever seen!
Scorpion VS Ryu
- Now someone just needs to make a game where we can do...
Insane Skills
- Unbelievably skilled dancer, make sure to watch to the...
Liquid Dancing
- Check out this guys amazing dancing skills, he moves...
Bush Gets Jiggy
- President Bush is sure to earn himself a cameo in an...
Republican Dance Party
- Karl Rove and George Bush show off their incredible...
Web Cam Strip
- This girl installed her own stripper pole, and shows...
Chaos Faction
- Use the arrow keys to move, and the Z and X keys to...
Mad Fish
- Use the arrow keys to move, and the space bar to fly...
Knocked The Hell Out
- This moron learns that you can't do moves from the top...
Car Moron
- This guy was trying to jump a moving car, he doesn't...
Roof Wrestling Move
- This clip shows what happens when morons try to...
Lazy Mario
- Kids these days have it too easy, in my day you had to...
Christmas Song
- Classic: This is the most moving rendition of a...
Mysterious Rings
- Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to jump...
Skater Ollies Moving Car
- This crazy guy jumps a car just before it slams into...
Large Cable Wheel Mishap
- These guys have a little accident while trying to move...
Dog or Seal?
- Incredible dog can balance a ball on his nose and...
Robot Looks Like Inventor
- A Japanese robotics professor has developed the...
Idiot Jumps into Sign
- This idiot jumps out of a moving truck directly into a...
Kitten Attacks Dog
- A kitten tries to put some wrestling moves on a dog.
Drunk Fatty Dancing
- This chick pulls out all the moves as she cranks out...
Falling Stove Crushes Guy's Leg
- A dangerous and stupid moving procedure leads to a...
World's Slowest Moving Cat
- This little fella used up at least one or two lives on...
Boxing Pets
- That cat is pulling the rope-a-dope move...just let...
Break Dancing Fingers
- dancing hand breaks out some sweet moves
Pre Game Head Kick
- Some kid decides to practice his martial arts moves...
Amazing Bicycle Skills
- Can You imagine the hours it would take, to practice...
Chubby Kid Busts Out His Dance Moves
- Unfortunately the only thing he busts is his hip
Motorcycle Wreck Caught On Tape
- A traffic camera catches an accident where a car pulls...
Michael Jackson Squirrel Dance
- Squirrels pulling off the moves of the king himself!
Direct Hit on Moped
- These people throw some thing at a moving motorcycle...
Greatest School Answering Machine Message Ever
- If you want this in another language, move to a...
Major Ownage
- Sometime pro wrestling moves go really, really bad....
Phillies Fan Falls Off Moving Cab
- gotta love those Phillies fans...lol
Sword Practice
- Fat guy with ponytail shows off his sweet sword moves.
Countdown to a Dickmove
- drunk guy gets shoved down stairs
Winter Olympics?
- This guy has moves that will make the books some day.
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