These Dudes Are Crazy.
- The Boys of Hellacrazy continue to inspire with stunts...
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Texas Judge gives 7 year old right to decide custody
- Dallas, TX, December 31, 2008 A seven year old boy...
Creepy Woods
- A little boy and a pedophile are walking in the deep,...
Weird Barbershop Quartet
- I Get Around Beach Boys
Crank Dat Guido Boy
- The dance craze sweeping the innocent.
Drink the Fire!
- Boy drinks fire, and oldy but goody
Opera Dog
- hit those high notes boy
Drunk on listerine
- The boys at 4/20 break get drunk.. On listerine.
Doll That Pees on Daddy's Face
- Anatomically correct baby boy doll.
Seven-year-old boy steals grandmother's SUV
- No Video Games For A Whole Weekend?
Obama Beatbox
- And that, my boy, is how President Obama ended the...
The Classic Story Of A Boy...
- And His Python
Prank Call - Big Toys For Little Boys
- Another great radio prank call.
Mutant lipsyncs cascada
- Seriously is this a little boy or a dwarf? either way...
The new eminem ?
- White boy got skills
the world's strongest boy
- this kid benchpressed 210 at age 8
Tiffany Blews
- Fall Out Boy Ft. Lil' Wayne - Tiffany Blews
Illustrated Tommy Boy
- Son of A, that's gona leave a mark.
Johnny's Heavy wagon
- Little Johnny was going to his faters house one day...
Another Priest and Rabbi Joke
- A Priest and a Rabbi walk into a bar and sit down to...
How to catch a salmon.
- This is how the big boys do it.
boy's first rejection
- that's ok i think she's a lezbo anyway
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