Karen Crashes Her Mercedes and Expects Other Driver To...
- A typical day in the life of a Karen.
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Can I Speak to the Manager? Karen Goes Unhinged on Her...
- Karen's gonna Karen.
18 Super Angry Karens Who Skip the Manager and Go...
- Check out this batch of entitled and demanding Karens...
23 Hilarious Karen Memes To Share With All The Karens...
- We all know at least one person who fits the...
Mega-Karen Comes to Bother a Man at His House After he...
- Major Karen alert: this lady took her complaints right...
Permit Karen Goes Viral After Feud With Her Black...
- What is wrong with people. Walk away Karen, this is...
Karens Gone Wild August 2020
- Reporting from the frontlines, these videos capture...
Karen Rant Gets Turned into a Heavy Metal Tune
- Musician and Youtuber Andre Antunes turned a Karen's...
Karen Objects at her Own Son's Wedding
- A couple's happy day is ruined when a Mama Karen...
Dude Gives Karen the Politest 'F--k Off' We've Ever...
- Dude demolished his Karen neighbor with the finesse of...
Skateboarder Confronted by Opposite of Karen - a Caring
- Where was this saint of a Karen back when I was still...
Does "Karens Gone Wild" Mark the End of Karen Videos...
- We've moved past the need for Karen videos. We no...
Karen Accuses Dude of Stealing Her Phone, Finds It In...
- I'm pretty sure she found the phone midway through and...
Very Angry Mongoose Takes on Group of Lions and Wins
- This mongoose might just be the Karen of the Serengeti!
16 Instances of Entitled Karens Who Are a Manager's...
- When Karen's go nuclear, all you can do is grin and...
Karen Has a Meltdown on Boaters Because Well, That's...
- "Unwelcomed" visitors to a private marina drives a...
The Karen Video to End All Karen Videos
- Karen's have been out of the meme-cycle for a few...
Karen Fights Woman For Her Turkey and Steals Her...
- The Thanksgiving turkey rush can be a stressful time,...
25 Entitled Karens That Think They're the Main...
- Karen videos are a bit like new Taco Bell menu items:...
Girl Finds Brilliant Way to Deal With Lakeside Karen
- Not today, Karen! Not today!
Woman's Husband Defends Her From Rude Karen as Only a...
- I swear I think Karens of the world just believe...
Airport Karen Refuses to Listen to Vital Information...
- Congratulations, Karen - you played yourself.
Can I Speak to the CEO? - 19 Karens in the Wild Doing...
- We've all encountered the dreaded Karen at some...
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Red Lobster Karen Waiting on...
- " I saw you help that girl, I know you're the manager"...
Tropical Storm Karen Memes Are A Managers Worst...
- If you thought Karen was a pain in the a** before, oh...
Karen's Short Joke Makes an Angry Little Umpire Storm...
- That short joke from Karen seems to have sent him over...
22 Super Entitled Karens Who are Experts in Being...
- They need to be snapped back into reality.
Dude's Encounter With Cookie-Aisle Karen Turns...
- When a wild Karen suddenly appeared during this dude's...
Karen Makes Crazy Demands in a Tattoo Shop
- This Karen walked in and started making all sorts of...
The Time Richard Sherman Duked it out With a Karen...
- One reporter at Media Day wanted to question Richard...
Karen Throws Out Expensive Birthday Cake, Employees...
- A little malicious compliance teaches Karen a lesson.
20 Wild Karens that have Already Asked to Speak to the...
- Be careful out there in the world, flocks of angry...
Backing the Car Into the Store to Avoid Rain Is a Pro...
- This may be the ultimate Karen move.
Karen Complains Restaurant Won't Serve Her After...
- Karen tries her best to throw a tantrum but the...
Dane Cook Video Surfaces Where Comedian Coins Term...
- In a sketch from 2007 titled 'The Friend That Nobody...
Karen Refuses to Let Bus Pass Her after She Missed Her...
- This Karen missed the NYC crosstown bus, so she...
26 Entitled Karens Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world is full of people with delusions of grandeur...
Karen Gets Rude with Off-Duty Cop and Commits Assault,...
- She instantly regretted her decision!
Insanely Entitled Russian Karen Assaults Taxi Driver
- You can literally see the crazy in her eyes.
Husky Tries to Talk His Way out of Trouble after...
- Lalalalalala...I can't hear you Karen! A husky with an...
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