28 Designs That Are Horrible
- Who thought this was a good idea? Sometimes it best to...
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A Moment of Pure Magic as the Inspiration 4 Crew Opens...
- An amazing site for these civilians as not only do...
Not Even Gun Nuts Support a Five-Year-old...
- Kids these days seem to be growing up faster than ever...
First Automated Plane
- The future doesn't look so hot.
Roof Face Plant
- What was he trying to accomplish in the first place?
Pogo Tricks
- This is the first clip i've seen of pogo stick tricks.
Cute Contortionist
- The first hot contortionist I've ever seen!
Get This Man A Belt
- First his car breaks down, then his pants. Talk about...
Passed Out Prank
- This is what happens when you're the first to pass out...
Boxer Falls
- First rule of boxing... know how to enter and exit the...
Dice Stacking 2
- A new dice stacking video that is better than the...
Into Role Playing
- I think this is the first time I've ever seen...
Santa Loses It
- First Kramer, and now Santa is caught on tape...
Robot Baseball
- I, for one, welcome our new robot baseball...
Cute Hamster
- A very cute hamster enjoying his first piece of...
Strip Club Ad
- This has to be the first TV ad we have ever seen for a...
Fire Rube Goldberg
- The first rube goldberg device we have seen that uses...
New Soap Opera
- This is the first soap opera based around the life of...
Sled into Car
- This girl smashes into a car face first after losing...
Hovercraft Wreck
- This might be the first (but hopefully not the last)...
First Person Crash
- A look at a motorcycle crashing into an out of control...
Ghost Ride Granny
- This has to be the first time a grandma has ever...
Drunk Moron
- This idiot manages to run face first into a parked car.
Truck Unloader
- This has to be the worst first day on the job ever.
Photoshop Contest #1 Winners
- Here are the winners of our first photoshop contest. ...
Who's On First
- Abbott and Costello meet Star Wars.
Choreographed Fight
- For once we'll be the first ones to say "FAKE!!" about...
Cloverfield Oil Rig Disaster
- A first look at the Cloverfield monster destroying an...
Maury Show Tourettes
- Laughing at this is a sure way to get a first class...
Super Mario Bros in First Person
- Cool combination of Super Mario Bros. and Half Life 2.
Wedding Dance
- Yet another great first wedding dance.
First Person Motorcycle
- You won't believe how ballsy this cyclist is.
Dangerous Path
- Take a first person look at one of the most dangerous...
Landing Fail
- The First Three Were Just Fine.....
Prison Break Fail
- file this under the category of run first think later!
First Dirtbike Ride and Crash
- Idiot kills two birds with one stone.
Japanese Baseball Fail
- ouch, head first trying to catch the ball
Why Doesn't She Let Go
- Chick drug face first by her kite.
Guns Don't Kill People... Idiots Do
- Idiot's first time with a pistol.
The Beatles Were Terrifying with Fred Willard
- February 7th, 1964 the Beatles first came to America....
eBaum's Picks