Cop Calls Kid's Dad to Come Pick Him Up After He...
- "Probably the first wholesome police related video...
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33 Pics, Memes, and Tweets to Help Your Seasonal...
- Once Halloween hits, the seasonal sadness really...
15 Games You Totally Forgot You Played As A Kid
- A part of history.
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Is Giving Away Xbox's To...
- The long awaited release of Microsoft's new Xbox...
Wayback WHENsday: "David After Dentist" Wants to Be...
- Thankfully this kid didn't turn into the annoying...
Twitter Reacts to 82-Year-Old Al Pacino Impregnating...
- “Pacino would be 101, God willing, when the child...
Highway Brawl Breaks Out After Woman Allegedly Throws...
- Three Oregonian drivers turned a trip down the highway...
Mother Can't Pay Mortgage after Son Spent $16K on...
- Lord give me the strength not to disown my kid.
Man Creates Literal S**tshow at Kid Rock Steakhouse,...
- Everybody's job can be crappy. But not this crappy.
Canceling AOL
- Ever tried cancelling AOL? You may want to formulate a...
Stickman Madness
- Extremely difficult first person shooting game.
Face First
- Girl nails her face on a trampoline
Ref KO
- This ref scores his first professional knockout!
Kung Fu Sissy
- How often do they NOT break something on the first try?
Bazooka Shot
- Maybe it's his first time?
Fall on Head
- What exactly was he doing in the first place?
Monkey Mirror
- This monkey sees a mirror for the first time.
New Roller Coaster
- First person footage of the dragster roller coaster.
Under the Mistletoe
- Here's the first kiss under mistletoe of the year.
Bad Bike Wipeout
- The first 2 jumps go fine...
Bell Rung
- This quad rider meets a metal wall face first.
Motorcycle Crash
- Needless to say this was their first time on a...
Tape Face
- Never, ever, be the first one to pass out at a party.
- Never be the first one to pass out.
First Pitch
- Classic: All this guy has to do is make it to the...
Looping Slide
- Check out the worlds first water slide with a loop!
2008's First Christmas Joke
- 2008's First Christmas Joke Three men died on...
First Person Bike Collision
- Check out this amazing footage of a bike collision...
Attempted Tightrope Backflip
- I think this guy's first problem was attempting to do...
First Motorcycle Ride
- I'm pretty sure that he needs a few more lessons.
The Game Gun
- Really cool hack for first person shooters
The 06' Version Of The iPad
- The First Version of This Joke.
Lizard Fart
- at first I was lol - then ewwww
Japanese Marathon Fail
- Their mistake cost him first place.
Longboard Accident
- fatty shouldn't be on that thing in the first place.
Dying Pterodactyl
- first attempt at singing, should be her last as well
First Follower Makes a Leader
- how to make a movement
Janelle Cannot Get High For A Year
- First world problems man....
Jackals Random Sunday Facts
- Innnnnnteressting.....
Curiosity Lands on Mars!
- OK, where are the aliens?
eBaum's Picks