Yoga Ball Flip
- Something tells me he discovered he could do this by...
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Mr. T Sings Take Me Out To The Ball Game At Wrigley...
- How can you not love Mr. T
- The song couldn't be any more true.
Kid Faints on T.V. Show
- oh no, they're all looking at me.... thud..
Crazy Lady Yelling at Scientology Protesters
- She reminds me of that scene in total recall at the...
10 Cops Taser Man Peacefully Sitting on Porch
- he did not even have time to say "don't tae me, Bro!"
Bacon is Good For Me REMIX
- Bacon is good for him, and you! Note: This video is...
You Are Being Shagged by a Rare Parrot
- "When you have the chic i want you to call it steven...
Accident While Gutting a Deer
- Excuse me while I go throw up.
Creative Photography of Louis Rubens
- Part 2 If you like what you see, give me an email at...
Nicklas Kronwall Best Hockey Hit
- Nicklas Kronwall absolutely destroys Martin Havlat. It...
When Good Sportsmanship Goes Too Far
- I thought Iran was full of jerks...they seem pretty...
Drunk Canadian Begs For Taser
- Pretty sure I heard him say "kill me!"
Hovercraft Video of Self Discovery
- This was emailed to me the other day. I thought I'd...
Polish Arm Wrestling Prank
- This guy's stupidity makes me laugh.
White Supremacist Threatens Black Female Reporter
- After the death of Eugene Terreblanche. Now over to...
Plane Gets Hit by Lightning
- joey...you ever watch gladiator movies, that would...
How Much Does A Rattlesnake Bite Cost?
- 140,000k. Don't believe me? Watch this vid.
Day to Day Life of a Orangutan
- Hardships of daily life in Hollywood. eat me
Don't Call Me Fat Remix
- A remix of the overweight asshole that is pissed about...
Fearless Kid Peeing on Stage
- this made me lol hard. hats off to this kid.
World's Worst Job Interview
- "I don't need friends, they disappoint me"
Me My Shark and I
- Great White Shark circles surfer off San Onofre in San...
Guy Calls Police Nazis
- I waved at you to say how's it going, and you call me...
Cache Rules Everything Around Me
- Awesome Girl Talk video made by Evan Roth using...
Seal Screaming Like a Man
- Translation: Get me the fuck out of here!
Insanely Evil Cat
- I would be pissed if they put that stupid bow-tie on...
Wild Florida Police Chase
- Reminds me of GTA.
WTF Opera Singer
- anything down syndrome just makes me laugh twice as...
Quick Snack In the Courtroom
- Pick me a winner, honey.
Maverick Sport-Flying Car
- No more rush hour traffic for me with one of these
Way Up Crazy
- They aren't afraid of heights obviously...looks crazy...
Bulletproof Vest Test Fail
- It never ceases to amaze me
Creepy and Smug Hand Model Interview
- This lady creeps me out.
Bike Stunt Faceplant
- Why people don't wear helmets when doing stunts is...
Talking Toy Drops F-bomb
- Sounds like bark to me.
More Sex in School While Teacher Was Present
- This time second graders engaging in oral sex. Say it...
Jerusalem UFO - Dual Cams
- Let me guess, more swamp gas / Chinese balloons or...
This is What Old Computers Are Good For Now a Days.
- Computer set up to play Bach's "Tocata and Fugue" with...
eBaum's Picks