Worlds Biggest Alarm Clock
- The only thing that doesn't surprise me about this...
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Commercial for Weird Japanese Masturbation Aid?
- It sure looks like something you masturbate with to me.
Creative Photography of Louis Rubens
- Creative Photography done by myself, Louis Rubens... ...
Amazing Bartending Skills
- Don't tell me this is photoshopped... CUZ ITS NOT!
2010 eRep Prizes
- Ebaum had some budget cuts and put me in charge of...
Middle Tennessee Tornado Penis
- I made a guest appearance in this one! can you find me?
Tiger Cub and Puppy BFF
- Let me tell you about my best friend.
Phil Davidson Republican Bad Ass
- My name is Phil Davidson and if you don't vote for me...
So Punch Me In The Face!!!
- Why Does He Even Need To Ask?
BMX 360 Backflip Faceplant
- You can't tell me that didn't hurt like hell.
Funniest Remake of a Song Ever
- When a song starts with "Please don't fuck me in the...
Lord of the "Smoke" Rings
- when I used to get high, I was never able to clearly...
Save Me A Huh?
- A commercial regarding a customer testimonial for...
UFC Fighter With Metal Hands
- This seems perfectly fair to me
Giant Snowman Slide
- why didn't my parents ever make something like this...
Slayer Cat
- You little bitch, you promised to buy me tickets for...
Extremely Heavy Firefight With a Twist
- Can anyone tell me what's going on at :20, my guess...
Genius Product Label Placement
- Gotta get me some Jelly Ass and read that cool book,...
Parents Surprise Kids with Disney Vacation Fail
- "Um, yeah, why don't you call me when Disney World is...
Akward Video Job Resume
- I'm not in it for the money, but if you think about...
Here's My Personal Info, Now Give Me My Obama Money
- Bronx residents get empty debit cards in return for...
The Daily Dump - GIFtastic Edition
- Enjoy a nice Dump on me!
The day Swag Was Invented
- I've been watching this for a while and EVERY TIME I...
Fat News Anchor Gets Bullied
- You can call me fat - and yes, even obese on a...
Hoodlums Crash Ford F-250 Truck Into Store
- Give me a bottle of anything and glazed donut...TO GO!
The Female Orgasm Law (NSFW Audio)
- If this law ever passes you're screwed. Or so your...
Family Guy Rap
- Man raps as all the characters on Family Guy to "Look...
Super Mario Brothers Acoustic Medley
- Excuse me while I go blow the dust out of some video...
Awesome Pool Shot Projection Display
- Seems kind of like cheating to me...
How To End A First Date
- Who's going to walk ME home?
2 Year Old Son Sings The Beatles With Dad
- A two year old boy sings 'Don't Let Me Down' with his...
Guy Loses A Fight With A Tree
- A guy runs into a tree and knocks himself clean out..
The Cactus Challange
- The cactus challenge and beating the Children Of...
Pug Watches 'Homeward Bound' Ending
- I know how you feel buddy, it got to me too!
She Totally Wants Me - Black Ops 2 Reactions
- Girls can't stop flirting with Weregonnalose!
The 46 Funniest GIFs on the Internet
- A collection of hilarious GIFs voted to be the best.
Killer Mike's Life Advice
- Words of wisdom you should listen to, and pass on.
Merry Christmas My Fellow eBaumers
- Slow motion bouncing boobies, the gift that keeps on...
25 Rescued Dogs On Their Way Home
- It makes me happy to see loving animals get a fresh...
How To Move On
- You broke up with your ex. Forget her! She's not a...
eBaum's Picks