Caught - videos

Shady Family Caught Lying about a Hair in their Food
Hoping for a free meal, multiple family members are unknowingly recorded while placing hair on the food themselves.
By GaylordAlvarado
Featured 4 years ago in Facepalm

MSNBC Calls People out for Not Wearing Masks and Immediately Gets Accused of the Same
And no one is wearing a face mask, oh he's going to regret saying that.
By ifeelallright
Featured 4 years ago in Facepalm

Students Caught Handing Out 'N-Word Passes' at High School
Willy Wonka would NOT be proud.
Featured 4 years ago in Wtf

Dude Realizes He Just Got Caught Cheating on Camera
Here's hoping your wife wasn't watching the game, buddy.
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

Serial Police Impersonator Caught by His Own Body Camera
Jeremy Dewitte's first arrest for impersonating a police officer happened more than twenty years ago and he hasn't slowed down since. In fact, Dewitte was arrested for impersonating a police officer three separate times in the last three months of 2019.
Featured 5 years ago in Facepalm

Dash Cam Captures Idiot Thief's Multiple Attempts to Break Into Car
After several attempts, this "genius" was finally able to break into this car that was well-equipped with security cams. Australian police know who he is and are currently tracking him down.
By chrisvet
Featured 5 years ago in Facepalm

Police Officers Blatantly "Investigate" a Woman in Her Undies
Boston's finest got caught watching a cell phone booty video in public.
By palehorse95
Featured 5 years ago in Funny

3,000 Foot Tall Glacier Flips Over and Breaks Apart In Ilulissat, Greenland
Icebergs breaking from the Ilulissat Glacier are often up to 3,000 feet in height (1 km) and thus too tall to float down the fjord and lie stuck on the bottom of its shallower areas, sometimes for years, until they are broken up by the force of the glacie
By MainFeature
Featured 5 years ago in Wtf

Rich Douche Gets His Sailboat Caught Under Bridge
Captain of the Failboat got his long pole stuck, clearly a problem he's not used to dealing with.
By palehorse95
Featured 5 years ago in Funny

Cops Catch Van Carrying $200 Million Of Meth After Driver Crashes Into Their Parked Cars
That's gotta be one of the dumbest criminals EVER.
By damn_nation_inc
Featured 5 years ago in Facepalm

Florida Deputy Fired After Investigation Proved He Was Planting Evidence
Asshat cop caught planting drugs on innocent drivers is now in jail.
By Rijndael
Featured 5 years ago in Ftw