Concept - videos

Prototype iPhone Is Too Good To Be True
What do you think about this concept iPhone?
By theduck1893
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

Mankind's Future with Boston Dynamic's Robots (Corridor Digital)
If the robot revolution is about to begin, we're on the losing side.
By kilgore9012
Featured 5 years ago in Creepy

Geico Caveman Commercials Were So Damn Entertaining
The Geico Caveman commercials were truly ahead of their time. We don't want to shill for an insurance company but these commercials from the early 2000s are actually pretty well made and are funny for a commercial.
By kilgore9012
Featured 6 years ago

Redneck's Homemade Flamethrower Goes Horribly Wrong
In the words of Red Foreman... "Way to go, dumbass".
By Rijndael
Featured 7 years ago in Funny

Music In Nature: Birds On A Wire
Jarbas Agnelli turned a photo of birds on a wire into sheet music.
By mrlousyjeans
Featured 11 years ago

Seinfeld Predicts Facebook
The bit may be referring to answering machines but the concept is the same
By PaulRevered
Featured 11 years ago in Funny

Interesting Asian Concept Dance
The "Quick Crew" preforms a uniquely cool dance routine.
By MainFeature
Featured 11 years ago in People & Lifestyle

Dog Doesn't Understand Doorways
A confused dog is still figuring out the doorway situation...
By Blake1989
Featured 12 years ago

Motorcycle Crash Takes Out People Standing on Track
It's almost like the concept of bowling, and they all fall down!
By sunborg10
Featured 15 years ago