Experiment - videos

'Da Bomb' Sauce Dry-Aged Steaks Are a Bad Idea
Any regular viewer of 'Hot Ones' will tell you that 'Da Bomb' is the hardest, most punishing sauce to conquer in the lineup.
By damn_nation_inc
Featured 3 years ago in Ouch

Timelapse of Mealworms Eating a Tomato Is Strangely Satisfying
This is weirdly satisfying for being something so inherently creepy.
By OddlyTube
Featured 3 years ago in Creepy

Tennis Ball versus Razors, Dude Creates Razor Racket Then Sells Them Because the Internet
In a unique experiment, YouTuber Tyler Bell attempts to shoot a tennis ball with enough velocity that a regular racket would sliced it into pieces. He then tests the same theory, but with razor blades on the racket instead of string.
Featured 3 years ago in Funny

Hydraulic Press Crushes a Grenade, then a Bullet
By Hotpics
Featured 3 years ago in Ftw

YouTuber Spins Apple Fast Enough to Explode, Captures It in Slow-Mo
It was spinning so fast that it actually still looked fast through a standard slow-mo camera.
By damn_nation_inc
Featured 4 years ago in Wow

Flat Earther's World View Crumbles Before His Eyes as His Experiment Disproves His Beliefs
A scene from a documentary where a flat earth believer attempts to prove the world is indeed flat, but his lack of scientific experience (as indicated by his belief the world is flat) winds up helping him prove that the world is round. Possibly stunned
Featured 4 years ago in Funny

Dunking Aluminum Can in Drain Cleaner Reveals Plastic Bag Inside
Do all soda cans have this weird little plastic bag on the inside?
By OddlyTube
Featured 4 years ago in Wow

How Much Corn is in a Can? Guy Finds Out Using Empty Corn Cobs
The answer to the question on everyones mind.
By MainFeature
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

Dude Blows Up Nokia 3310 to Prove It's Basically Indestrubile
Let's see your iPhone do THAT.
By damn_nation_inc
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

Straight Women Touching Straight Women For The First Time
A social experiment where straight women touch each other lady parts.
By YourDailyVideo
Featured 5 years ago in Ftw

Awesome iPhone Experiment With a Glass Box and Glow Sticks
This cool effect is almost hypnotic.
By checka11
Featured 6 years ago in Ftw