40 Thursday Morning Randoms to Slow Down Your Day
- Experience a fat French guy's paradise.
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The 20 Dumbest Posts Found On Our Timeline
- Animals are outsmarting humans left and right.
Trump's 'Everything’s Computer' Quote Gets Meme'd
- Love Trump or hate him or really hate him, you have to...
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Yoda strikes me as a vodka man but whatever.
32 Reactions to the Five-Year Anniversary of COVID
- Five years since the glory days of basement dwellers.
20 Villainous Tweets from Evil Scientist Jiankui He
- The evil version of the people who made wooly mice.
40 Wednesday Morning Randoms to Feed Your Soul
- He's gaining mass to turn into muscle.
40 Late-Night Randoms to Put You to Sleep
- Here's some insane stuff right before a peaceful sleep.
49 of the Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- All these tweets are sponsored by Steak 'n Shake.
Dude Hits Perfect Pump at Gas Pump Challenge
- Big respect to our man Tom.
The Aftermath of Car Crashes Involving Paint (22 Pics)
- Car crashes are no laughing matter.
28 Late Women’s Day Tweets Because We Forgot, Sorry...
- In a way, our silence was an extremely feminist move.
The 22 Dumbest Posts As Seen on Our Timeline
- The microplastics in our brains are finally doing some...
40 Tuesday Morning Randoms to Chow Down On
- Feast on some stupid stuff found on the floor of the...
26 Dirty Playgrounds Poisoning the Minds of Children
- Slide into some good, wholesome fun.
25 Photos That Defy Logic
- Photos that might not have any context or reason, but...
This Philly Man Wants You to Come Kick His Ass
- No weapons, just two dudes beating each other with...
The 48 Funniest Tweets from the Last 48 Hours
- Twitter is hungover from the weekend and took Monday...
24 History Posts That Aren't Taught in School
- Let's be honest, the history books don't tell us...
Some Dude Drove His Car Straight Into a CarMax
- How bad was his APR?!?!
The 20 Dumbest Posts on Our Timeline
- The dumbest stuff floats to the top.
Monday Morning Randomness: 32 Fresh Pics and Memes to...
- Start your day with a laugh.
20 Dirty Pegging Memes and Tweets to Keep in Front of...
- The internet has spoken, and apparently, everyone is...
20 Cool Looking Toilet We Need to Use ASAP
- When you gotta go you gotta go.
30 Randoms That Could Use Some Context
- 9/11 Lego guy - please reach out to us.
40 Sunday Morning Randoms to Show You The Light
- Let the randoms guide you away from darkness.
40 Fresh Randoms to Scramble Your Brain
- At the end of the day, you finally get to shut off...
28 Fascinating Photos of Our Fascinating World
- Whoever designed Earth should get a raise.
The 24 Dumbest Posts on the Timeline Today
- The brain is happy when the brain is empty.
24 Tweets and Reactions to the New Wooly Mice
- Next up: sabertooth squirrels.
40 Saturday Morning Randoms to Nurture Your Soul
- Experience some much needed calm and chaos.
Donald Trump Muses About Possible Space Romance...
- The astronauts have been in space for around 275 days...
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- People are bravely fighting of the millions Vance...
Man Gets Accidentally Stripped Shirtless by Gate
- Woohoo! Take it off!
38 More J.D. Vance Memes
- His face can be found at all times, in all places.
The 27 Dumbest Posts from This Week
- We see you, lonely Avatar man.
40 Morning Randoms to Conquer Your Friday
- Kill the final boss of the week.
25 Caked-Up Animals that Prove BBLs Aren’t Just For...
- When God created humans in his image, he gave us big...
The 50 Funniest Tweets from the Last 24 Hours
- Day 2 of 40 for the Mark Wahlberg Ash Wednesday...
22 Blessed and Cursed Cows from the Breeding Cattle...
- Do cows dream in electric sleep?
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