Girl Poops In Her Hand Outside A Nightclub
- A turd in the hand is worth two in the bush.
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Florida Couple Addicted to Coffee Enemas
- Your W.T.F. video for the day.
A Lizard Poops In A Girl's Lap
- Rufio does not appreciate his owner discussing his sex...
Store Owner Busted During News Segment
- Seems like Bad Luck Brian in real life...
Drunk Blue Jays Fan Vomits
- He's just looking for his friend Ralph...
Guy Picks Nose On TNT Basketball
- I guess he thinks the wink makes it cool.
Girl Caught Picking Her Nose & Eating It
- She didn't think anyone was watching...
Enjoying A 20 Year Old Crystal Pepsi
- Unlike fine wine, Pepsi does NOT get better with age...
Guy Hits Bong With Unexpected Result
- Someone can't hang with the big boys...
Hey Bro, You Got Something In Your Head
- It seems his brain was successfully removed... (Gross...
Proof Al Roker Is Full Of Sh*t
- Al Roker Confesses: I Pooped My Pants at the White...
Meet Johnny Booger Finger
- A candid look at what can happen if you forget to...
Humans Are So Disgusting
- Gross facts about the human body!
Unexpected Power Spew
- Suddenly he blows with the force of a fire hose!
Crazy Ingrown Hair On Face
- Well, that was nasty...
Guy Eats Spider
- Strange guy finds spider on his desk, and eats him!
Guy Dunks Head In Piss Bucket
- This shirtless dude submerges his head in a giant pale...
Kid Licks Subway Railing For 1 Dollar
- That is gross!
Watch the Guy in Red!
- What a gross young man.
Best Game Show Prank EVER!!!!
- LMAO is so appropriate for this video. Wait for it.
Hot Tub Mishap
- CLASSIC: We have a feeling this girl wont be working...
Exploding Zit
- Dude's huge cyst or zit gets popped and sprays his...
Zit In Mouth
- Woman bursts abscess in her mouth - tasty!
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