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Unruly Passenger On Delta Flight 1730 is Subdued by Passengers and Flight Attendants
A tense scene unfolded as passengers on a cross-country Delta Air Lines flight from LAX to ATL Friday night were called into action after a fight broke out between a passenger and someone else, forcing the flight to be diverted. A spokesperson for Delta s
By EatMyPlight
Featured 3 years ago in Creepy

The Time Phoenix PD Stopped a Possible Kidnapping Using the Grappler Police Bumper
By ZoominShantZ
Featured 4 years ago in Ftw

Stoner Hilariously Amazed By Simple Lighter Malfunction
"Whoaaaaaa, what the f*ck man!"
By MainFeature
Featured 8 years ago in Wtf

Chris Brown Interrupts Performance To Promote His Single
Is this the new form of "Kanye West-ing"?
Featured 11 years ago