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15 (Fake) Viral Photos That Fooled The Entire Internet
While some of these photos are obviously fake, there are those who fell for the deception. Some of these are pretty obvious, but the internet is dumb. Whoever is photoshopping these better have a job because they are pretty decent.
Featured 6 months ago in Wow

25 People Who Proved They Were Right the Hard Way
Being right is the best revenge.
Featured 1 year ago in Ftw

25 Songs That Put the ‘Fun’ in Your Funeral
The world is crazy enough that it's easy to think we'll all die soon. But have you started planning a rocking funeral?
By PocketEpiphany
Featured 2 years ago in Funny

25 Iconic Castings That Almost Never Happened
Imagine if Tom Cruise has starred in Iron Man instead of Robert Downey Jr?
By Hotpics
Featured 4 years ago in Wow

22 Famous People Then and Now
You might have not even recognized them.
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

21 WTF Pics During and After Natural Disasters
Photos to remind you that we don't run this world. These pics are pretty wild showing what really happens after a natural disasters. Lots of things you would not expect in these pictures and you should enjoy this whole gallery minus the whole disaster thi
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

25 Images Frozen in Perfect Time
They were in the right place at the right time.
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

25 Times Cops Were Real Chill Dudes
These are the cops you rarely hear about in the news.
Featured 5 years ago in Wow

32 "Badasses" Who Don't Play by Your Rules
They do what they want. Deal with it.
By MainFeature
Featured 5 years ago in Funny