Japan Is Obsessed with These 15 American Pastimes
- With the growing popularity of anime and Japanese...
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Insanely Talented Gymnast Shoots Flaming Arrow with...
- If you've never heard of Acrobatic Archery, then...
Watch Two of the Baddest Men in MMA Try to Break Joe...
- We're all aware of Joe Rogan's success as a popular...
19 Absurd Tweets That Absolutely Belong to the Streets
- Absurd tweets are back, and that means another update...
Pro Boxer and OnlyFans Model Shows off Her Beauty and...
- The 2-0 fighter and first influencer female champ is...
Kid Unleashes His Inner Rockstar and Slays During...
- I'm not sure those kids understand what he just did....
Woman On Slots Hot Streak Refuses to Leave Her Seat...
- Don't mess with lady luck! Especially when you're on a...
Harrowing 911 Call Released of 5 Kids Trapped in...
- According to the New York Fire Department, five Staten...
Florida Man Caught On Raised Draw Bridge in Miami...
- Nope that's not Peter Parker, that's just some random...
'They’re Not Innovators’: Hustler Mom Explains Why...
- Just to be clear, we realize this is fake. This...
Server Left Totally Bewildered after Magician Makes...
- Andy Gross was incognito just enjoying a meet at a...
Quick-Thinking Kid Steers Bus to Safety after Driver...
- Harrowing footage of a 13-year-old boy saving a school...
Florida State Rep Gets Pranked by ‘Anita Dick’ and...
- I guess Mike Hunt and Dick Raasch weren't able to...
Mets’ Scoreboard Operator Plays Mario Kart On the...
- Gamers will always find a way to game.
‘33 Ain’t Made a Shot All Game’: Florida A&M...
- Just in case you weren't around in the early 2000s,...
'If She Gets This Right, You Get Free Time': Praying...
- This little dude was absolutely going through it!
Unhinged Tweets: All of This Week's Cursed Tweets
- Let's face it, at some point in time the sun is going...
20 Employees Reveal their Final 'F**k You's' to their...
- You're lying to yourself and everybody around if...
30 Things People Found After A Really Long Time
- It's better late than never.
Woman Films a Plane Crash Just 50 Yards Away,...
- When Caelyn Canace began taking a calm video of her...
Paper Plaster Hack Is Perfect for Frat Boys with Holes...
- Do you enjoy getting rowdy? Do you like to punch holes...
Shit Talking Grandpa Gets Life Smacked Out Him in...
- Life comes at you pretty fast.
Watch Two Guys Crash Land Their Plane after an Engine...
- Nothing like a good old engine failure mid-air to get...
20 Insane Tweets We Wish We’d Written
- Sometimes you gotta give credit where credit is due....
22 Comments That Really Nailed It
- Sit back and enjoy some funny instances of people...
20 Celebs Related Tweets With a Twist
- It's that time of week again, time to roast some...
Miracle on the Savanna: Half-Eaten Impala Stands Tall...
- If the horror franchise 'Saw' has taught us anything,...
'Leftovers Never Tasted So Good': Man Uses Hotel...
- It's 2023 and hotels still aren't providing guests...
Dude Gifts His Neighbor First Mad Dog in 10 Years to...
- Fred is the neighbor we all wish we had.
48 Great Memes Collectors are Fighting Over
- Put your day on pause and have a gander at some funny...
Dude is a Human Joystick In Roller Derby Tag
- It's not fair for anybody to be this nimble on roller...
20 NSFW Tweets Unless Your Boss Is Super Cool
- Bringing you another batch of straight-up diabolical...
Rapper Duke Deuce Breaks Out WWE Slam Mid-Concert
- You can't tell me that wrestling isn't the most...
Mushroom Meltdown: Karen Goes Berserk Over...
- I'm not saying the server is wrong, because customers...
‘F*** It I’m Watching Buffy’: Man Saves His...
- As Jeff Goldblum once said, "Life uhh, finds a way."...
21 Super Wholesome Pics Beaming With Joy
- Send this to a home who needs to smile.
’100 Days of Eating Only McDonald’s’: Man...
- Kevin Maginnis. Deciding this was unacceptable, he...
‘Old Geezer’ Schools Young Whipper-Snapper With...
- Veteran one, man-bun zero.
The Mystery of the Cornell Pumpkin: How a Pumpkin...
- All the way back in the 1997, Cornell students and...
20 Unhinged Tweets That Have Lost Touch with Reality
- Congrats! You've won another batch of unhinged and...
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