Drift Car Slams Into Crowd
- A drift car loses control and smashes into people...
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Mom Runs Over Teen Daughter
- Teen throws a fit and mom puts her in her place, under...
How To Roll A Jeep With Style
- He meant to do that.....
Runner Gets Hit In Crosswalk
- His jump probably saved him from a more severe injury
Driver Gets Thrown Out Car Window
- Another driver gets tossed ...he walks it off...this...
Swing Double FAIL
- Hilarious swing accident.
Longboard Accident
- fatty shouldn't be on that thing in the first place.
Ride Fail...
- they said keep all objects including arms inside the...
Close Call
- wait for it...
Factory Accident
- No need to panic.
Man Loses His Face In Electrocution Accident
- Holy shit.
Nasty Hockey Hit
- I'm a Habs fan but this wasn't a dirty hit. It's...
Even This Perfect Faceplant Doesn't Impress Chinese...
- keep cool, no need to rush. We are off duty!!
I Killed a Deer Today
- WARNING: spoiler; a deer dies in this video...
Escalator Goes Crazy
- Get off me NOW
Car Vs. Bike
- This dude went flying.
Police Car Hits Female Cyclist
- What was she doing there anyway?
Film Student Fail
- He had it going so nicely until he forgot his own...
Copper Stopper
- in a pinch a sturdy light pole will do just fine to...
Rallycar Driver Loses Control
- Holy shit.
Slip n Slide Fail
- Yeah, you definitely missed the pool.
Truck Goes Wrong Way On Freeway
- What happens at the end? Should of got an Ferd.
It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Loses a Face
- I had a blast at the barbecue, the steak was divine...
Boat Killed the Crane
- Someone got lucky as hell.
Do It Yourself Nose Job
- He asked for Owen Wilson's nose. He got it!
Epic BMX Faceplant
- I can hear his face breaking.
Innocent Man Waits For His Sandwich
- And gets a car running into him instead.
Car Swerves into Biker
- 20 points!
Plow Hits Bus
- how do ya miss not seeing a big bus
BMX Race Start Epic Fail
- I guess that takes away any handicap
Accidentally Bowling The Greatest Strike
- This is pure luck.
20 Car Pile Up In Colorado
- he says this is terrible, but he is laughing
Rally Car Meets Tree
- He might of dieded..
Motorcycle Crash Throws Rider Over Rail
- Obviously that dent was in the guardrail before he hit...
Death by Ski Jump
- Pretty sure he dieded after hitting the ground that...
Girl Pwnd By Bike Ramp
- Not even close
National Anthem Faceplant
- Might as well pull that hoodie up and walk away
Stupid Road Accident
- That's why you have an unbroken white line in the...
Wedding Dance Faceplant
- Jiggle jiggle WHAM!
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