Woman Gives Advice on How to Take the Perfect Dick Pic
- It’s all about the angles!
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14 Insightful Bits of Advice That Will Take You Far
- Brush your teeth. Eat Your Vegetables. Stay in school.
Don't Do This: 23 Pieces of BADvice
- When we're kids, our parents tell us a lot of things...
Guy Passed Up For Promotion In Favor of New Hire Gets...
- When an employee tried to make a vertical move within...
11 Useful Tips and Tricks That Every Man Should Know
- Take a few moments to check out these useful tips that...
If You Could Go Back in Time And Tell Your 13 Year Old...
- Time travel is still just a figment of our...
Use At Your Own Risk: 32 Tips and Suggestions That Are...
- We've been fed a pack of lies.
“I Won a $30 Million Lottery” Here Are Eight...
- It's the age old question. What would you do if you...
36 Smart Tips to Keep You Alive
- These could help you out.
25 Things People Should Know Before Visiting the USA
- The USA is big, with many places to visit. Here are 25...
13 Rules to Save You From Deathbed Regrets
- Get ahead of the curve; the wiser man learns from the...
25 Girl Facts from Guys Who’ve Been in a...
- Knowing your partner is an extremely critical step in...
Three-Word Pieces of Advice We’d Give to Our...
- In three words, what would you go back and say to...
20 Ground Rules for Boob-Watching from the Women Folk...
- Clarifying cleavage.
19 Ex-Thieves Teach You How to Avoid Getting Robbed
- Former burglars and victims share what to do.
We Live in a Society: 30 Unwritten Rules Everyone...
- Some principles to make the world a better place
27 Useless Pieces of Advice From the Internet
- No one asked for this.
20 Life Hacks You Should Really Know By Now
- These could really help you out
25 Tricks Every Man Should Know
- Why learn the hard way?
18 Life Hacks Everyone Should Know By Now
- These might come in handy.
15 Survival Tips for Your First Week in Prison
- Take all the help you can get.
15 Life Hacks That Are Actually Pretty Good
- A few that might actually come in handy.
35 Normal Things That For Some Reason Feel Illegal to...
- Not everyone possesses the same knowledge, but not...
15 Illustrated Guides and Charts You Might Find Useful
- These might help you navigate through life.
30 Tips That May Save Your Life One Day
- These may be good to know.
Level Up Your Cooking Game: 15 Useful Tips and Tricks...
- Love cooking? Here are some top tips from home chefs...
30 Clever Tips and Tricks to Hack Your Way Through Life
- These may help you out.
15 Survival Tips To Keep You Around Longer
- You never know what the difference-maker might be.
11 Tips and Hacks for Lowering Your Life’s...
- Life is hard enough, so here are some small tricks for...
23 Products That Serve a Better Purpose Than What They...
- Discoveries that happened by accident.
25 Relationship Red Flags To Look Out For
- We've all been there, manipulated, lied to, cheated...
21 Weird But Effective Life Hacks from Creative People
- Things that might inspire you.
21 Bogus Parenting Myths We Learned Growing Up
- Whether or not we like to admit it, parents can serve...
23 Red Flags That Your Friendship Needs to End
- Friendships are very important, and we try hard to...
25 People Who Had A Sprinkle Of Creativity
- They think outside the box.
19 Useful Bits of Advice and Wisdom to Make Life Easier
- A little bit of life advice and wisdom that's worth...
31 Scams People Can't Believe They Fell For
- Scams are everywhere around us.
30 Red Flags That Tell You a Company is Shady
- This stuff is sadly quite common.
30 Survival Tips to Keep You On This Earth
- These could come in handy.
25 Turn Offs to Avoid on Your Next Date
- Have you been striking out with women? Maybe you were...
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