Timelapse of Swarming Monster Worms and Sea Stars
- probably the most you'll learn on eBaumsworld ever
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Backflip on a Harley Davidson
- Gladiator Games 2009. Chuck Carothers backflip on...
Cool Quick Easy Bar Trick
- man it really impressed that girl
Guy Marries a Video Game Character
- well its japan..... or china.... or whatever, you can...
Synchronized Robot Dance
- This guy has way too much time on his hands...... but...
Kick a Ginger Day
- From South Park. A face book account urged student...
Goalie Scores On Himself
- some how he loses sight of the ball and just kicks it...
The Kurdish Donkey Wearing People Clothes
- Is this animal cruelty? or just really funny!
Kobe's Circus Shot Over the Backboard
- he was looking for a foul, but no whistle, o well
The Most Amazing Indoor RC Airplane Ever
- This pilot times his moves to the music, and performs...
Man Poops Outside of Ashton Kutcher's Office
- on friday, november 13, an unidentified man used the...
First Look Inside World's Largest Cruise Ship
- its goin down
- the title is a joke
Football Bounce Pass Trick Play
- pretty awesome football trick play
Beyond the Creepiest Dude in the World
- This pretty much the worst thing this dutch talkshow...
Woman Gets 300 Orgasms Day
- check out her husband's face!
Soccer Teakwondo Kick
- so the guy double kicks the other guy in the air, then...
Kid Learns Humiliating Lesson
- vagina head!
Christmas Nazi Wrapping Paper?
- This chick didn't notice all the swastikas all over.
Soldier Gets a Welcome Home From His Dog
- This guy's dog go crazy and cries when it sees it's...
Ninja Cat Part 2 The Stalkening
- Yes the ninja cat is at it again and show true...
Huge Rock Slide
- They were cleaning up one boulder and the whole...
Pulp Fiction Theme - With Pencils
- If only I could do this... I have the skills... just...
Girl Brawl Breaks Out at High School Soccer Game
- Now high school girls are following in the foot steps...
Hot Girls Risky Business Fail
- For those that like to mix pain and pleasure!
Brazilian Guy Loses Bike and Slams Into Post
- And the La Owned......
Fan Brushing His Teeth at a Soccer Game
- ya know just in case he starts a conversation with a...
Deer Breaks Free from Lion
- A deer escapes the grasps of a lion in a zoo
Creative and Funny Bumper Stickers
- A great way to liven up your beater and get a chuckle...
23 Ghost Towns and Abandoned Cities
- What makes people Just get up and leave their homes?
Andre Iguodala's Off-The-Wall Trick Shot
- Andre Iguodala, from the sixers does a off the wall...
Immates Save Guard's Life
- A 24 year old inmate attacked a guard for an unknown...
Secret Knock Detecting Lock
- this is the coolest thing ever.
Awesome and Amazing Body Art by Craig Tracy
- Some Excellent work and a great way to get chicks...
The Golden Age of Videos
- a video montage of great movies and TV shows turned...
Drunk Ewok Moonwalks and Molests Al Roker
- this is the coolest ewok ever!
Bivins Demolisher Tryout
- This dude Try's to prove himself in the metal...
Internet Hits by Judit Judit
- Next Internet superstars...........or Un original..?
Taylor Swift Pranked by Ellen Degeneres
- not much of a prank but still pretty funny
Woman Claims to Have Won Lottery, Causes a Riot
- Luck............ In actually making people feel...
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