The Science behind Beer Farts Is Actually Fascinating
- Why do our farts smell like firework smoke or...
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Beer Facts for Casual Drinkers and Alcoholics Alike
- Cool sh*t we never knew about the world's favorite...
20 WTF Nightclub Pics That Are Pure Chaos
- We've collected another batch of insanely ridiculous...
20 Athletes Who Played Absolutely Blitzed Out of Their...
- I could probably do my job drunk or high, but it...
'It Ain't Much, But It's Honest Work' - 25 Universal...
- The important things you have to do to be a real man
32 Examples of ‘I'm Never Drinking Again'
- Sometimes we drink to lighten up and forget our daily...
28 Beer Pics Each More Brew-tiful than the Last
- Yeah sex is cool, but have you ever tried the perfect...
Chef Hacks to Open Beer Bottles Without an Opener
- We've all been there - a case of cold brews getting...
Red Wings' Dylan Larkin Sets Things Right Over Fan's...
- Dylan Larkin, captain of the Detroit Red Wings, felt...
5 Thanksgiving Movies to Watch While Day-Drinking...
- It's that time of year again. Get ready to drown out...
25 Things Every Human Should Try At Least Once
- Don't waste your whole life sitting around on the...
25 Things Drunk Me Did That Sober Me Would Never Think...
- We normally associate being drunk with making bad...
25 Alcohol Facts That Might Make You Quit Drinking
- Alcohol helps the world go ‘round. It serves as an...
32 Hallowed Memes for Those Who like Them Dank and Dark
- At the risk of offending states that don't get...
15 Drinking Games College Taught Us to Play like a...
- We've collected 15 of the most iconic drinking games...
Why You Shouldn't Chill In a Mosh Pit
- The mosh pit is not a place to have a relaxing drink,...
Beer-Chugging Blonde Makes U.S. Open Much More...
- That's one helluva woman!
This Old Guy Never Drank a Beer Until His 100th...
- This chill old man tells the story of how he never...
32 Drinks That Are Trying Way Too Hard
- We get it. Your restaurant is cheeky and original, and...
18 Heavenly Snacks for Devouring When We're Drunk...
- It's National Junk Food Day here in the land of the...
Dude Opens Can in Crocodile's Mouth, Buddy Shotguns...
- A ballsy move for sure. This dude literally reaches...
Stanley Cup Trophy Made Solely of Beer Cans Highlight...
- As Tampa Bay celebrates yet another championship,...
18 Pics and Memes Proving 7/11 Is a Special Kind of...
- In celebration of our favorite gas station food and...
24 Epic Photos Proving America Peaked in the '80s
- The 1980s were seemingly just one big party. Time to...
12 Brands That Needed Appropriate Pride Month Logos,...
- Since June is Pride Month, we took it upon ourselves...
Johnny Knoxville Wore a Butler, PA T-Shirt and I...
- GQ must have some writers on their staff from the...
Clever Dudes Use a Magnet to Swipe Some Free Beers...
- A strong magnet and a long rope appear to be the...
Craig Ferguson on Alcoholism and Britney Spears Is a...
- Craig seems like a solid dude.
Congressman Cracks Open a Cold One During Farewell...
- During his goodbye speech, South Carolina congressman...
Man Interrupts Nevada Election Briefing in Las Vegas
- As by now you surely know, Joe Biden is the projected...
Guy Attempts the Power Drill Beer Chug and Ends up...
- +10 respect for the effort.
Bud Light Is Trying to Get Gamers to Drink More with...
- How they plan to beat out Red Bull and Monster to be...
Dumb Jokes That Are Just For The Dads
- Don’t think touch the thermostat
23 Things Everyone Experienced in College
- It's technically possible to live off of microwave mac...
Brewery Owner Pisses Off His Brewer, Business Dies...
- Bad bosses beware: there are some employees you just...
Lone Lizard Feasts on Gardener's Bug Traps, Wreaks...
- Growing outdoor gardens always comes with the...
How to Pass a Your Buddy a Beer While Social Distancing
- These tactics may not be practical but they do make...
Guy Opens Beer Bottles like a Weird Ninja
- This guy does some amazing tricks with beer bottles.
Drunk Dude Full-Sends It a Little too Hard and Totals...
- The driver hits a roundabout and goes airborne proving...
This Dad Goes for a 'Walk' Everyday
- If you're a dad, you know exactly where he's actually...
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