Cockatoo Feeds Great Danes Milk Bones
- And keeps feeding them and feeding them and feeding...
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Guy On Scooter Races His Macaw Parrot
- That's a very pretty bird.
Puppy And Parrot Battle For Yogurt Cup
- When it comes to the human's food, its every man (or...
Toucan Photobombs A Traffic Camera
- A Toucan stops by to check out a highway traffic...
Swan Pecks A Guy For Taking A Selfie
- A man tries to include a swan in his selfie but the...
Hero Dog Saves Baby Bird
- Dog saves baby bird from drowning.
Little Kid Discovers His Eyebrows
- A baby boy named Leon laughs as he sees his eyebrows...
Toy From 19th Century Switzerland
- An amazing display of craftsmanship and engineering...
17 Flowers Disguised As Something Else
- Orchids can often resemble a wide array of other...
29 Gifs Of Adorable Animals Taking A Bath
- We have ferrets bathing, kittens bathing, puppies...
Abechan Bird Speaks Japanese
- What is this sorcery?
Images From Smithsonian's Contest
- 20 Amazing photos from the Smithsonian's photo contest...
This May Change How You Look At Muppets
- Things you never knew or considered about Jim Henson's...
The 28 Best "Actual Advice Mallards"
- Life hacks, sage wisdom, and dating tips from an...
Bird Smashes Through Plane's Windshield
- Despite being injured the pilot landed the plane...
The Amazing Lyrebird
- This bird can mimic any sound in the world!
Intelligent Bird Solves 8 Step Puzzle
- Are crows the ultimate problem solvers?
How To Beat Flappy Bird (Best Method)
- Dumb Stupid Videos
Installation Art That Doesn't Suck
- 34 Examples of awesome installation art.
Smart Bird Plays Dead To Get Away
- Clever bird plays dead until the last moment, then...
Goose Crashes Through Airplane's Windshield
- A goose explodes through the windshield of a Cessna...
Birds Show Drone Who's Boss Of The Skies
- Birds attack phantom drone quad-copter causing crash...
Think All Hobbits Are Nice?
- Bilbo Baggins has a special message just for you...
Hilarious Crazy Seagull Prank
- The Dudesons throwing popcorn near sunbathers on the...
Bird Flies Into Train And Explodes
- A pigeon meets his fate, or is there something fishy...
Bird Flies Into Train And Explodes
- A pigeon meets his fate, or is there something fishy...
A Fish's Lucky Day
- Fisherman spares a fish's life, twice in 5 minutes....
An Eagle's Point Of View
- Take a flight with an Eagle and a mounted a GoPro...
Macaw Shushes The Other Bird
- A Harlequin Macaw silences the other bird constantly...
Bald Eagle Crashes Into Chapel Window
- Bird his the window as the crowd chants USA! USA!
Trying To Film A Falcon When Suddenly...
- I guess he makes a good perch!
Beautiful Nature
- 17 Photos of wildlife and nature that might just make...
Kookaburra Call At San Diego Zoo
- When zoo goers roll their R's together, Crikey the...
Crow Provokes A Cat-fight, Then Referees It
- A bird trolls two cats into fighting for his own...
Badass Fisherman Catches Bird Mid-air
- "What now, you little sh*t? Feel like crapping on my...
Love Bird Dances To Polka
- A cute love bird rocks out to some Polka music!
The Coolest Owl You've Ever Seen
- What a fan-tastic bird!
30 Unlikely Animal Friendships
- Amazing friendships forged between unusual pairs of...
Lucky Bird Has A Close Call With A Racecar
- A pigeon plays chicken with a racecar.
Wild Bird Needs His Back Scratched
- I think he just likes the attention!
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