New Rocky
- I guess somewhere over seas they are remaking Rocky...
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Anchor Gets Face Bitten
- He gets a little too close to this doggy and the doggy...
Can you protect your friend like this?
- They are dedicated
Guy Tryin To Catch The Bus
- This guy trips and falls into a bus.
Diane Sawyer Drunk
- Watch these clips of Diane Sawyer after a night of...
Office Kiss Wipeout
- Fail
Sleeping Wife Eyebrow Wax Prank
- This guy may not be getting any action for a while...
Very Possibly The Worst Stripper In History!
- My guess is semi-retarded...
Door Destroys Baby
- You gave birth to him, and you broke his nose
Religious TV Host Gets Pranked
- Public access host can't hang up the phone on the...
Matrix Cat
- This 'Neo' cat pwns these Agent Smith puppies.
Making It Snow
- It isn't as fun or easy for sorority girls.
Amazing Luck
- A video compilation of people with incredibly amazing...
Girl Kicks Guy In The Face
- And his buddy owns him.
Reporter Throws Shoes at President Bush's Head
- Duck and run!
Sweet Daddy Bear
- This little girl just wants to be her grandpa's honey.
Nerves Of Steel
- This guy comes within inches of being hit by a rally...
Huge Dog, Little Baby
- Cute friendship
Bench Press
- His vagina is tender
- Redneck Fishing.
Dry Ice Bomb in the Face
- 'nuff said
Welcome Back!!!
- Another great sketch from the ImprovEverywhere team.
Military Cha-Cha
- I'm sick of American troops doing dances that the...
Golf Cart Gets Revenge on Fat Guy
- There are so many things that are funny about this. ...
Pain Compilation
- Check out this great compilation of people getting...
Dog Owns Little Ice Skater
- There's your 15 minutes of fame.
Gymnastics Faceplant
- Hilarious faceplant, thanks to the guy's buddies.
Them Rubber Balls.......
- They come bouncing back to you....lol
From 600,000 to 1 In One Second
- Contestant on Deal or No Deal makes the most stupidest...
Massive Hockey Hit
- This hockey check breaks the pane of glass.
Charles Manson Sings
- In this News report Manson sings, the report also...
Happy Cleavage Day Everybody!
- I'm hoping to make this a national holiday.
Ass Cream Vendor
- Ice cream or ass cream?
Big Girl Takes A Fall
- Classic: This had to hurt!
The "Whoa Lobsters" Kid
- Classic: This little boy can't decide if he wants to...
Girl Gets Owned By Dodgeball
- Rubber to the face.
Five Finger Fillet
- Guy ends up stabbing his pinky in five finger fillet.
Tiny Engineers
- A pack of ingenious little tykes build a bike ramp...
Fat Guy Stuck In a Lamborghini
- If I had a Lambo I'd go on a crash diet thats for sure.
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