34 Rednecks Winning at Rednecking
- Just some rednecks doing what they do best
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25 Small Hills People Are Willing to Die On
- We tend to go to bat over the important things in our...
Dog Sitter Wins Custody of Dog After Friend Abandons It
- Honestly, I'd keep the dog too!
The Honey Badger's Extreme Intelligence Make Them...
- Stoffle would give Alcatraz a run for it's money. He...
British People Guess The Costs Of American Health Care
- 10,000 grand, for a baby? Couldn't be.
Ben Shapiro Tries To Debate BBC Anchor and Gets...
- Facts don't care about your feelings Ben, pick up the...
This Guy Takes On Gun Toting Home Invader
- This guy has balls of steel taking on this robber. I...
28 People Who Have Run Out Of F**ks to Give
- These people don't have a care in the world.
Mama Cat Fetches Toy That's Out Of Her Kitten's Reach
- Moooom! Get me that toy!
Alec Baldwin Brutally Mocks Donald Trump's First Press...
- Donald Trump's press conference as the PEOTUS was a...
Photos That Prove That Grocery Store Workers Are...
- Just trying to pass the time.
Attempted Robbery Turns Into A Shoot-Out
- A Brazilian man deals with 3 robbers who snuck into...
Guy's Acid Kicks In During Pet Care Video
- I think the guy in the background is starting to feel...
26 Items I Want, But Don't Need
- These things are not vital to your survival, but damn...
22 "Life Hacks" For The Lazy
- Solve your daily problems like the lazy genius you...
Two Veterans Accuse Checkers Of Disrespecting U.S. ...
- They spot the flag flying upside down and by one...
41 People Who Just Don't Care
- These folks know its Friday, and they don't have a...
A Brilliant Way To Help The Homeless
- A couple comes up with a 20 dollar Homeless Backpack...
Fan Has No Idea He's Covered In Peanuts
- He has no idea the guy behind him is dumping peanut...
23 People Who Don't Care What You Think
- 23 people who have their own way of doing things.
36 Times When Not A Single F*** Was Given...
- Some people just don't care...
Surveillance Camera Man Still Doesn't Care
- What are you doing? I'm just recording some video...
Chinese Airport Worker Could Not Care Less
- Looks like the first shipment of Xbox Ones are on...
Should You care About Internet Privacy?
- Companies use your information, photos, and more to...
Top Selling Christmas Gifts Since 1980
- A gallery of the best selling xmas presents from 1980...
Man's Best Friend Babysitting
- A loyal dog watches over a young disabled boy.
FedEx Will Take Good Care of Your Packages!
- That's why it is called ground service right?
One Year Old To Ten In 1 Minute 25 Seconds
- Snappy time lapse of girl from age one to ten years
Woman Shoots Self for Medical Care
- Woman with no insurance puts the gun to herself to get...
Health Care Protest
- Congressman John Dingle goes against wild protestors...
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