Top 10 Car Morons
- These idiots should have their driving privileges...
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Woman vs Parking Booth
- This chick has some issues after paying for her...
Messing with Driving Instructor
- Part 2 of a kid messing with his driving instructors.
Lucky Find
- A New York man wanted to use his retirement funds...
How to Ship a Lambo
- Cool to see how they ship a Lamborghini.
Custom Designed Vehicles
- Some cool custom vehicles.
Hit and Run Victim Gets No Help
- Guy is hit by a car and left in the road.
Most Memorable Movie Cars
- The cars we wish we had and the ones we couldn't...
Rally Car Freak Out
- This chick screams frantically, while taking a spin in...
Tank Over Car
- This car gets turned into a pancake by a tank.
Chinese Crash Test
- Hey, at least the goods in the back will be OK.
Truck Pulled Off Boat
- What the hell was this guy thinking?
Pit Girls
- Fast ladies in the fast lane!!
Mobile Food
- Check out this food photoshopped with vehicles.
7 Year Old Steals Grandma's Car for Joyride to do...
- Classic: This kid seems to be on the path to being a...
Enraged Driver Hits Lady
- This guy has a little too much road rage and takes it...
- I pulled into the parking lot of a crowded supermarket...
The World's Strangest Vehicles
- A collection of weird Cars, strange Motorcycles,...
Cone Crazy
- Run over as many cones as possible in 30 seconds.
Stolen Engine
- A blonde woman is driving a Porsche and she sees...
Saudi Buggy
- Hey, at least the rims are nice.
Truck Stuck
- How did this guy miss the gigantic puddle right in...
Porsche Crash
- Not only does this guy crash his Porsche
Car Pwnage
- You should never leave your vehicle unattended in the...
Custom Vehicle Paint Jobs
- Very impressive paint jobs.
Dumb Kids
- These moronic kids video tape themselves vandalizing a...
Evolution of the Mustang
- The Mustang from 1964-2009.
Dyno Run Face Plant
- This guy should have been paying attention to where he...
Subaru Snowboard
- Subarus and snowboarding: this video proves they are a...
Insane Driving Skills
- Some very cool synchronized driving.
Unstoppable ATV
- Every vehicle should be built like this.
Plowed By Car
- How unlucky is this guy?
Art Cars
- Cars made into cool art
Near Hit
- This grandma has nerves of steel.
Car Coward
- There's something very comical about the way this guy...
Freaky Accidents
- Some of the craziest accidents ever.
Very Close Call
- This guy plays off nearly getting killed better than...
Forklift VS Car
- I'm surprised that the driver of the car lived through...
Horrific Accidents
- Some real nasty car crashes!
Redneck Power Window
- Rednecks truly are the McGuyvers of the world.
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