Suspects Jump 25 ft. Wall To Escape Police
- A hard landing, and they STILL don't manage to make a...
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17 Reasons To Stay A Kid Forever
- Growing up might not be all it's cracked up to be...
19 Video Games That Turned 20 This Year
- It's difficult to believe it's been 20 years since we...
Waiter's Impressive Steak-Cutting Skills
- He gets the juices and everything.
16 Creatures That Will Give You The Creeps
- Fascinating creatures that will make you say "Nope!"
17 "Like Father, Like Son" Moments
- It's like looking at 17 future versions of these...
11 "Well, Sh*t..." Moments
- It's that precious, awful moment when you realize...
Running Into A Psychopath In The Woods
- A biker crosses paths with an angry, ax-wielding...
29 GIFs That Win
- Cool and amusing GIFs of people and situations that...
CNN Anchor Shows Image Of Muhammad Other Media As...
- Chris Coumo not giving in to the fear and terrorism...
31 Next-Level Redneck Life Hacks
- These people are the real Macgyvers of the world.
How To Transform A Beer Bottle Into A Custom Glass
- It's as east as 1, 2, 3!
27 Fascinating Photos From Our Fascinating World
- Strange, cool, and fascinating photos from our...
25 GIFs For Your Enjoyment
- Enjoy a fresh batch of GIFs!
Back to the Future II vs. 2015 The Reality
- In reality we have a lot more of the things from the...
17 Celebrities With Diseases
- Ranging from mental to physical.
10 Strange Japanese Products
- Seriously, these are all real!
Google: The Year 2014 In Search
- Google's year in review video.
15 Celebrity Prom Photos
- A blast of today's stars from the past!
34 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
Teacher Completes Drawings Left On Students Assignments
- A teacher decided to enhance their drawings with some...
34 GIFs For Your Enjoyment
- Enjoy a fresh batch of GIFs!
15 Hilarious Reaction Gifs
- Reaction gifs that will make you lol.
22 Nifty Inventions To Make Life Easier
- These products and gadgets can make everyday life a...
Monday Morning Randomness
- Start your week off with a fresh batch of randomness!
8 Facts You'll Be Embarrassed You Didn't Know
- Increase your trivia knowledge with these interesting...
25 Breathtaking Photos of The Human Race
- Strange, powerful, and cool images from people all...
The Weirdest Moments Captured In 2014
- Looking back at some of the strangest moments in...
Heavy Metal Christmas Lightshow
- Carol Of The Bells by August Burns Red.
18 Pictures Taken At Just The Right Angle
- Sometimes the angle can make or break a photo.
Fascinating Photos, Fascinating World
- Strange, cool and fascinating photos from all over the...
Girl Discusses Leia's Slave Outfit With Dad
- A girl's opinion on the dress Jabba The Hut made...
34 Amusing Facts To Entertain Your Brain
- More random but interesting facts to Indulge your...
30 GIFs For Your Enjoyment
- A fresh batch if GIFs. Enjoy!
18 Examples Of "Now That's Impressive"
- A collection of people putting time and talent to good...
21 Amazing Science Images Of 2014
- Awesome pictures of everything from space to spiders.
Awesome Effect From Lasers And Camp Fire
- Looks like they opened up a portal to another...
18 Random Acts of Kindness
- This is what being human is all about.
Guy Owns Annoying Kid In Checkout Line
- Some kid kept hitting this guy with his cart, while...
27 GIFs For Your Enjoyment
- A fresh batch of GIFs you are likely going to enjoy.
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