London Police Unleash Their New 'Hit Squad' Unit to...
- Police in London have been given the go-ahead to ram...
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Body Cam Shows Cop Drawing His Gun
- Can't believe someone didn't get shot.
Police Car Parked In Handicapped Spot Gets a Ticket
- Bystanders almost can't believe their eyes when they...
Dashcam Video Captures Shocking Shootout With Police...
- The man was later arrested after shooting at multiple...
Everyone Is Going to Jail in GoFundMe Scandal for...
- A New Jersey couple has been hit with criminal charges...
Corpus Christi Police Destroyed 400 "Pot Plants" Only...
- An embarrassing incident for the cops, as the clueless...
11 Crazy Heists Stories Straight out of Ocean's 11
- Some amazing tales of people pulling off some...
Drunk Dude Driving His Car in the Ocean Has a Strange...
- A man in Port Macquarie, Australia spotted this guy...
Guy Flips Off Police Officers and Crashes Trying To...
- The guy almost got away from them.
David Schwimmer Posts Video Proving He's Not The...
- David Scwimmer denies being the Blackpool Bandit.
Drone Pilot Gets Harrassed by Man who Calls Cops, Cops...
- A drone operator was finishing up a job for a...
Guys Laugh in Cops' Faces as They Return a...
- Only recently have guns been allowed widely in the DC...
Thief Nearly Runs over Store Employees Attempting to...
- Keith McDonough uploaded this video after he attempted...
'Corner-store Caroline' Calls Cops on Little Black Boy...
- White woman calls the cops on young black boy after...
Black Man Babysitting White Kids Has Cops Called On Him
- How depressing for everyone involved in this day and...
Cop Whips Town Into a Frenzy with Jaywalker Citations
- A night when ticketing jaywalkers suddenly became a...
Cop Pretending to Pull Over Motorcycle Rider Over is...
- This motorcycle rider was riding in between cars on a...
Motorcycle Cop Falls for the Oldest Trick in the Books...
- This car wasn’t pulling over for a motorcycle cop...
Employees Mock Robber For Only Taking $60
- A man walked into a Little Caesars in Pennsauken...
Incredible Footage of an Illegal Car Show Causing...
- This aerial footage shot by a California Highway...
Customer Throws Coffee at Employee in Dispute Over Cost
- Suffolk County Police shared footage of the incident,...
K9 Takes Down Kidnapping Suspect in Florida
- After tracking through the woods, Sgt. Ferguson and K9...
Man Sends Child Inside Arcade Game to Steal Prizes at...
- Footage of the incident shows a child passing out...
Man Followed by Jerk Who Accuses Him of Being an...
- This guy in Modesto, California was being followed by...
Serial Thief Gets Locked Inside Store and Freaks Out
- This person had been ripping off a gas station about a...
CBD Oil Vape Pen Spills and Sends 7 City Workers To...
- A police officer spilled some CDB oil while processing...
Deputies Take Down A Suicidal Man Armed with An AK-47...
- Detective Howard Brickner and Corporal Lynn Bays...
Dude Gets Arrested for Sitting in His Own Dang Parking...
- Jaquon Dean was accosted by security officers while...
Security Guard Stands there As Cops Plead for Help
- She was fired, and the suspect charged with trying to...
Lady Attempting to Steal Gets Caught and Tries to Run...
- A woman was accused of stealing and the store loss...
Dude Fights Cops Steals Their Car then Leads them on a...
- Brandon Pettry somehow came out of this incident with...
When A Simple Traffic Stop Turns into a HUGE Drug Bust
- A traffic stop in Gwinnett County, Georgia goes from...
Suspect Ignoring Officer's Orders Takes a Bullet to...
- The suspect was taken to a hospital with injuries non...
Drug Lab Driving Dummy's Got Stuck and Caught
- This rolling lab was capable of producing 16,000 pills...
Cop Falls Off Confiscated Bike and all Hell Breaks...
- The cops had arrested a guy and took his bike. As they...
Drunk Driver Finds a Packed Beach
- People out there just doing whatever they want, I...
Drunk Dude Walks Into The Wrong Elevator While...
- They seemed to have a good laugh though.
Idiot Attacking a Cop Gets Rekt By Good Samaritan...
- A bystander springs into action after he witnesses a...
Man on the Run Evades Police Causing Them to Wreck
- A man running on foot in the Albany Mall parking lot...
Power Tripping Cop Goes Off Because Dude was Staring...
- "My brother had just been assaulted with a beer bottle...
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