Al Roker Frozen on Today Show
- Well, that was pretty strange.
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Clam Eating Salt
- Wait....wtf????
This Spider Wouldn't Leave...
- So I sent him to another dimension
Creepy Crimes Plague East Coast
- The Zombie Apocalypse Has Started!
Girl Wants To Be A Real Life Doll
- This is pretty creepy.
Birthday Clown Fail
- The real fail might be hiring that creepy ass clown in...
Cat-Man Horror
- have you ever seen a man do such trickery?
Giant Stick Insect Emerges From Its Egg
- Freaking huge. Endangered Lord Howe Island Stick...
Joe Rogan Has A Locker Room Stalker
- Joe Rogan exposes the creeper who always waits for him...
Devil Cat Is Watching You
- with intense music
Creepy Dolls
- Happy Halloween!
eBaum's World Headlines From Around The World
- News that is fail, but win for us!
Watering A Plant - Rube Goldberg Style
- Introducing the winner of the 2011 National Collegiate...
Creepy Dancing marionette
- Not half bad.
Pervert Really Enjoys Show
- That is one handsome smile!
ABANDONED CITY, The Ruins of Detroit
- In their book The Ruins of Detroit, Yves and Romain...
Driving Into Arizona's Sandstorm Wall
- a bit ominous wouldn't you say?
- 6 Flags, 6 years after katrina...Creepy, Crusty,...
UFO Spotted Over London?
- just don't worry about it... move along, move along!
Creepy Harp Player
- This thing was made in the 1880s and it's still creepy
Asian girl transforms into creepy pink armadillo
- Japan...keep doing what you do.
Evil Cat
- That's one creepy ass cat
WTF Stalker Guy
Porn Star Her Step Dad Have An Interesting...
- Super Creepy Stepdad / Manager Says He Knew "Summer...
Strange Irish Hand Dancing
- So Is This What Happens To The Irish If They Sober Up?
Creepy and Smug Hand Model Interview
- This lady creeps me out.
The Crazy People Of New York
- Man Mcdonalds Really Messes People Up
Most Realistic Use of Computer Graphics Ever
- If these actually existed I'm sure it would put...
Woman With Cellphone Year 1928!
- Charlie Chaplin 1928 "The Circus", A woman seems to be...
Batman Robs a Taco Bell
- Instead of fighting criminals Batman robs a Taco Bell!
Weird and WTF Vintage Ads
- So the question really is, when did we start going the...
10 Bizzare Sculptures by David Cerny
- David Cerny (born December 15, 1967 in Prague) is a...
Celebrity Transformation
- Amazing how they turned turned real life people into a...
Huge Nest of Daddy Long Legs
- oh man this is creepy
What if Pulp Fiction Had a Laugh Track?
- It would prob go something like...
Contestant Can't Add
- She needs to play more Blackjack......
What's Creepier Than Holding a Spider In Your Hand??
- Look real close!
Computer Bug
- A Praying Mantis has a hard time with the mouse cursor.
Strange Vintage Valentines
- A collection of strange, interesting, and sometimes...
Creepy Kid from Back To The Future III
- what is that kid doing?!?!?!
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