See Spot Swim
- This guy thought it would be funny to kick his dog...
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Dog Basketball Player
- Forget Shaq, this dog's the real deal
Dog Exercises Like Its Owner
- Smart, But Not Smart Enough To Know That It's Going To...
Series of Amazing Time Warps
- From a different speed it's quite interesting.
The Dog-O-Matic
- A laundromat style dog washing machine that can wash...
Hero Dog Saves Mom
- and people say pets don't have feelings - well they...
Horrific Dog Training
- These dogs are trained way too viscous. Their victims...
Dog Humps Grandma's Leg
- Wayback WHENsday: Just stop, stare, and laugh......
The Best Trained Dog in the World
- He Must Get Beat To Be That Disciplined!
Dog Shit and I Love you, Bitch.
- Bad parenting 101
Ran Can Can
- El Original salsa dancing dog
Easter's Christ Bunny
- This is the story of Christ bunny, who was sent to...
Miniature Horse Trains As Guide For Blind Woman
- I've Heard Of Seeing Eye Dogs...
Monkey Pulls Dog Across River
- more like a tug of war...
Giant Mad Dog Pulls Car
- damn, who fed that dog steroids?
Dog wants a warm blanket
- and will go to any length to get it
Ballad To A Wigged Dog
- editing, special defects, lead and backing...
Stray dog marries 9 year old Girl
- A 9-year-old girl was married to a stray dog in a...
Hero Dog
- What this dog does is astounding.Most PEOPLE wouldn't...
WayBack WHENsday: Bizkit The Sleepwalker
- Classic: Bizkit dreams of chasing the mailman.
Kitty Licks Dog
- awww......just don't lick him THERE!
Plasic Alligator attacks dog
- lol now thats funny
Boxing Pets
- That cat is pulling the rope-a-dope move...just let...
Laughing Dog
- lol just a funny sound when he gets excited
Dog With A Freakishly Long Tongue.
- Break out the peanut butter ladies.
Anchor Gets Face Bitten
- He gets a little too close to this doggy and the doggy...
The Doggy Shoplifter
- This cool Husky walks into a store and shoplifts a...
Funny Dog Faces
- I wouldn't want to get on this dogs bad side!
Showdogs Moms and Dads Crazy Vagina Lady
- Alright, so this clip is genius. Basically, a crazy...
This Dog Has Quite The Messy Accident
- I wouldn't want to be the one cleaning that up!
Huge Dog, Little Baby
- Cute friendship
Water Squirts Out Of This Dogs Butt
- Funny dog squirts water out of his butt.
Creepy Dog Has Bizzare Bark
- What the hell is wrong with this thing?
Dog Owns Little Ice Skater
- There's your 15 minutes of fame.
Annoying Noisy Dog
- Dude, I think your dog is having a seizure of...
The Great Escape
- This awesome dog climbs up a tree to get over the...
Kitten Attacks Dog
- A kitten tries to put some wrestling moves on a dog.
Canine Prison Break
- Watch this dog break him and his friends out!
Dog Costumes
- Dress your dog up in one of these funny Halloween...
eBaum's Picks