27 People Share the Dumbest Things They've Ever Heard
- How do some people get through life?
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30 Not So Bright Posts From Dull Bulbs
- A fresh batch of posts from people who could use a...
'Dumb and Dumber' - Fake Gun and Failed Home Invasion
- A Connecticut homeowner answered his door on April 14...
32 People Who Decided To Make Their Lives Harder
- Check out this batch of pics and posts from people who...
‘Do You Know Who I Am?’: Unprovoked, Coffee-Shop...
- I wish I could sit here and tell you that this video...
OnlyFans Model Banned from CrossFit Gym Over Picture...
- As if the crossfit community wasn't already the most...
Everything to Know about the Awful Mahomes Family...
- Meet the dynamic duo of Brittany and Jackson Mahomes,...
Damar Hamlin Responds to Conspiracy Theorists Claiming...
- We all witnessed what happened on the field at Paycor...
34 Signs Someone Might Not Be Very Intelligent
- Ordinary human stupidity will sooner or later...
20 People Who Excel at Doing Dumb Things
- These folks let their brain cells stay on break for a...
Not Their Proudest Moment: 25 Wild Posts Packed to the...
- Well thanks captain obvious.
Delusional Boss Sends Ex Employee Invoice for Quitting...
- The owner of a Doggy Daycare tried to bill this person...
33 Stories About the Worst Mistake People Saw a...
- The workplace can be a tricky place to navigate at...
17 Brain-Dead Posts From The Dumb People Among Us
- These are the people who make us feel better about...
34 Extremely Absurd Things Rich People Have Purchased
- Check out this batch of dumb and useless things people...
24 Friday Facepalms of Failure
- Some funny facepalms and fails for your Friday.
Shouldn't Have Hit Send: 25 Facepalm-Inducing Posts...
- We've checked the math and something isn't adding up.
21 Facepalms and Fails Chock Full of Foolishness
- Some funny tomfoolery for your Friday!
15 Times When People Did Not See the Humor
- The humor went right over their heads.
30 Really Stupid Things People Overheard
- People can be really dumb sometimes.
18 Epic Fails, and Funny Facepalms of Stupidity
- What is going on in these foolish fails?
31 Reminders That Kids Can Be Really Dumb Sometimes
- They try their best, but that's why school exists...
24 Examples of Impressively Stupid Things That People...
- It's not easy being dumb, despite what you may think.
Kid Wrecks Family Car With Insane Firework Fail
- For some reason they lit a mortar shell and put it on...
22 Infuriating Facepalms of Foolishness
- How can people be this clueless?
Folks Who Swung for the Fence and Missed
- Sometimes in life, you just have to call it a day.
30 Examples of Jobs and Workplaces Where Safety Was...
- Someone's going to end up getting killed here.
27 Facepalms of Utter Stupidity
- For when the world is just too dumb.
25 Reminders That Kids Are Like Tiny Drunk People
- It's not their fault, but kids can be quite dumb from...
51 Funny Facepalms of Silly Fools
- Get ready to put your face in your palm.
22 People Who Clearly Missed the Joke
- It went right over their heads.
Groan-Worthy Dad Jokes: 30 Dumb Jokes For People Who...
- These might be good for a laugh at the next family...
24 Facepalms That Are The Epitome of Cringe
- Prep your face for your palm's arrival.
26 Pics That Are So Stupid They're Funny
- Check out this batch of funny, wtf, and dumb pics that...
20 Brains That Got the Short End of the Stick
- Some people just don't have street smarts...or book...
42 People Who Just Didn't Get the Joke
- It went right over their heads.
27 Useless Pieces of Advice From the Internet
- No one asked for this.
23 Stupid Things Posted Online
- You'll wish you couldn't read.
18 Facepalm Worthy Moments Someone Did Something...
- Caught in the act of dumbness.
26 People Who Just Didn't Get the Joke
- It went right over their heads
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