Diver Comes Face-to-Face with a Giant 23-Foot Anaconda
- Would you dare to get this close to an anaconda?
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Divers' Up Close and Personal Encounter with a Massive...
- Two divers who definitely got their money's worth when...
30 Most WTF Cases That Walked into The Emergency Room
- Some of the worst patient encounters.
16 People Who Had Wholesome Celebrity Encounters
- When idols live up to expectations.
24 People Share Chance Encounters that Ended Up Being...
- This collection of wholesome and uplifting photos is...
Man's Extreme Close Encounter With Female Bigfoot
- Peter Caine, Dog Trainer, returns to the dry creek bed...
Miss Rafferty's Close Encounters of the Third Kind -...
- Three people who experienced an alien abduction talk...
20 Celebrity Encounters That Reveal a Lot
- For better or for worse, these people had a celebrity...
This Woman's Mom Had a Strange Encounter With OJ...
- When the corona virus has a higher chance of killing...
7th Heaven Dad Stephen Collins Confesses That He...
- In an Interview with Katie Couric, the once beloved...
Asshole Truck Driver Rams Car Off Highway
- This is what road rage can come to.
Hiker Has A Terrifying Bear Encounter And Handles It...
25 Strange Photos That Will Make You Scratch Your Head
- You don't always know what you're going to encounter...
25 Crazy Things You Will Only See On The NYC Subway
- You can encounter some strange things in the Big Apple.
So This Happened At A Red Light...
- You got to give it to him, he really went for it...
Kid Has An Unusual Encounter With A Crow
- A bird roughs this kid up before he gets stuffed into...
18 Aliens Captured on Photos and Film
- Could these all be fake? Or is one or two the real...
Close Encounter with Pod of Orcas
- Amazing encounter off the Palos Verdes Peninsula in...
Extremely Lucky Cyclist Cheats Death
- A truck hits a car and misses this man on his bike by...
Dog Encounters Fish For The First Time
- Wait for it..
Elderly Couple Doesn't Notice Bear
- As they leave and lock up the house, they BEARly miss...
A Close Encounter With A Shark
- Crikey, that was a close one!
Two Divers Almost Eaten By Whales
- Giant humpback whales pop up for lunch, and nearly...
Advice For A Bear Encounter
- The key to survival is bad acting, and crazy eyes!
Great White Shark Gets Inside Diving Cage
- The diver's pants = shat.
Canoe Encounters Humpback Whale
- Some whale-watchers get an unexpected surprise...
Mountain Biker's Encounter With Emu
- Emu: Get out of my yard you dang hooligan!
Golden Eagle Snatches Kid
- Try explaining that one to your wife!
Guy's "Friends" Push Him Into Water With Shark Nearby
- With friends like these, who needs enemies!
Spearfishing Surprise
- Thanks for the catch bro.
When Falcons Attack
- Couple of dudes on a building encounter some pissed...
Encountering a Great White Shark While Fishing
- Damn nature, you scary.
Close Encounter With F-16
- Flying insanely low.
Bear Scares Jogger in Woods
- Not sure if real or fake, but the jogger seemed pretty...
Diver Has Close Encounter With Shark
- Damn nature, you scary!
Luck Or Karma?
- probably both...
Close Encounter of the Moose Kind
- Moose walks right up to hunter in the wild to check...
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