Red Bull Flugtag Event Fail
- Which involved a piano, the 26 year old woman broke...
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Football Ref Fail
- This ref screws up and attempts to recover. During the...
Farout Asian Pictorial 39
- To make your day FAPtastic.
Monday Morning Randomness!
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Epicly Synchronized Dance
- This girl is more precise than a Swiss watch.
The World's Funniest Soccer Announcer
- "Would You Stop Talking About Tennis Players And...
Newsroom Girl Picks Her Nose on Live TV
- I love how she stares right into the camera when she...
Face Vs Table
- Flawless Victory.
Extreme Fire Breathing
- Don't try this at home. Don't try this anywhere.
Monday Morning Randomness!
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Farout Asian Pictorial 38
- | insert standard description with a cheesy FAP...
Epic Timelapse Montage
- Umm... Wow!
Mizuka's Caturday Special 7
- Have a sexy Caturday!
Soldiers Blow up EFP Bomb
- Oh yeah, It went bloom!
Monday Morning Randomness!
- Start your week off with some randomness!
Farout Asian Pictorial 37
- FAP to brighten up your day.
Awesome Bucket Drummer
- Musician plays iron frying pans and buckets? He's damn...
Farout Asian Pictorial 36
- Enjoy another FAP.
Why You Shouldn't Buy Toys in Mexico
- stay away from the swapmeet .
NASA Test Fires Rocket Motor
- This is freaking awesome.
Backflip Tree Fail
- Wasn't even close.
Bar Swinging Fail
- He was doing well, until well you know.
Stripper Pole Contest Fail
- During a stripper pole contest a girl runs up trying...
Mommy Daddy Song
- Auto tuned version!
Farout Asian Pictorial 35
- This week's FAP material.
Epic Football Fail
- I know the words "epic" and "fail" are overused, but...
The Boob Apron
- For you ladies that want to look like a librarian or...
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout XVIV
- This Week's YANK is brought to you by F.U.C.K..... oh...
Epic Owl
- You have been warned
Epic Bridge Swing
- massive rope swing
Car Surfing Fail
- Sounds like a great idea.
Farout Asian Pictorial 34
- The weekly FAP.
Petite Girl Lifts Twice Her Weight
- She lifts 220 pounds. DotaPro's dream girl?
Bosnian RAMBO
- Born for action.
Friday Unearthly Cleavage Knockout XVIII
- The final edition of F.U.C.K. is brought to you by...
Breaking a Bottle Fail
- Nice Justin Bieber haircut.
Farout Asian Pictorial 33
- It's FAP time.
WTF Korean Pizza Hut
- Koreans can't even eat pizza normally.
Reporter Fail
- Way to go asshole.
eBaum's Picks