Overworked Employee Gets 10K Raise After Independent...
- Is there a better feeling in the world? We don't think...
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19 People/Animals That Won A Genetic Lottery
- They got a little something extra.
Dude Ducks Underwater to Dodge Beirut Explosion
- In a rarer, lesser-known angle of the insane 2020...
Cowgirl is a Force to Be Reckoned With
- Jessica Kirkham is a Single Action Shooting Sports...
27 Wild and Crazy Things People Put in Their Wills
- Some real strange things.
Tim Petrovic Sinks 'Happy Gilmore' Like Putt at the US...
- He totally meant to do that.
Dude KO's a Bulldozer Coming to Demolish His Home With...
- A man in China fended off a scheduled demolition of...
Frano Selak: The Dude Who God Himself Could Not Kill
- A wild and WTF story about a man who cheated death...
Trucker Annihilates His Own Trailer on Pole
- Kudos to whoever installed that pole.
30 Fascinating Historic Photographs Brought to Life...
- Vintage photos brought to life with color.
18 People and Animals That Come With Something Extra
- These are really unique.
Highway Looks Crushed by the Fist of God Himself
- A road in Quebec was destroyed by a landslide back in...
35 Wholesome Posts to Spread Good Vibes Today
- Cheer up, the world's actually pretty okay.
Johnny Cash Mural Pissing on Town After Prankster...
- That's an expensive leak.
Rich Strike Wins Kentucky Derby, Gets Punched, and...
- On Saturday one of the greatest Kentucky Derby upsets...
28 Absolutely Massive Things That Made People Afraid
- Things that triggered some megalophobia.
Epic Dad Catches Foul Ball, Never Stops Bottle Feeding...
- The king of multitasking.
30 Photos Showcasing The Extra Large Versions Of Things
- These are really massive.
15 Masterminds Who Exacted Petty Revenge
- How they got back at people who wronged them.
15 Masterminds Who Exacted Petty Revenge
- How they got back at people who wronged them.
Security Guard Calmly Dominates Two Ruffians With...
- A classic clip that has bubbled up once again shows a...
Meteorologist Interrupts Broadcast to Warn His Kids...
- While closely tracking the path of a powerful tornado...
24 Curious Things People Stumbled Across
- You don't see that every day.
Truck Gets Tossed Around by Tornado, Casually Drives...
- A truck in Texas was spotted being ragdolled by a...
22 Best Mustaches of All Time
- Here it is. The definitive list. The best mustaches in...
36 Funny Pics to Boost Your Mood
- A widely-cast net of awesome.
15 Titanic Specimens That Tower Over Their Peers
- Figuring out the real size of things can be hard...
30 Unlucky People at The Moment of Their Misfortune
- These are the definition of a bad day.
51 Choice Randoms For Your Weekly Enjoyment
- Boredom can sleep with the fishes.
Russian Fatty Buys Hundreds of McDonald's Burgers...
- According to Redditor Noah Stemann, this is his...
45 Fun Randoms to Spice up the Day
- Banish boredom for good.
35 Fascinating Things You May Not Have Seen
- You don't see that every day.
44 Choice Randoms For Your Weekly Pleasure
- Banish boredom with a fat bag of random.
Ukrainian Farmers Having a Blast Yoinking Russian Tanks
- Tractor beats tank. With a full tank of gas, that is.
Luck of the Draw: 30 Unexpected Finds by Ordinary Folks
- You never know what you may stumble upon.
30 Wholesome Pics To Give You The Feels
- Stuff to remind you that life is beautiful.
40 Rapid Fire Randoms for a Quick Break
- Fun chaos to send boredom packing.
50 Choice Randoms For Your Weekly Enjoyment
- Get ahead on your procrastination.
Insane Base Jumper Lands on Hotel, Dodges Security by...
- A wild man landed atop the roof of a seaside hotel...
Tie Dye Shirt Maker is a Master at His Craft
- I had no idea you could even be this precise and make...
eBaum's Picks