Comedian Attacked
- Comedian Jim Jeffries is attacked on stage during his...
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Bad Bus Driver
- This poor guy is having a bad night.
Gas Station Crash
- A driver crashed into gas pumps in Chaleston, West...
Virginia Tech Killer
- Chilling home video of Virginia Tech gunman Cho...
Best Parents
- Video of the most responsible parents in the world!
Sewer Explosion
- Oncoming traffic is trapped in rushing water as a...
Virginia Tech Shooting Footage
- Some cell phone footage from the horrific shooting...
Eye Out For You
- I didn't think eyes could do this!
- An insurgent sets off a bomb, then flees on his...
Crocodile Attack
- A veterinarian in Taiwan has his arm bitten off...
Hard Hockey Check
- A player gets checked incredibly hard in a high school...
Another Bear Fall
- It looks like bears are the polar opposite of cats...
Imus Racist Remarks
- Here are the racist remarks that got Don Imus...
Sucker Punch
- This old timer gets sucker punched by a man trying to...
Wrestling is Fake
- We all know that wrestling is... DAMN! OUCH!
Crazy Wrestler
- This wrestler forgets that it's all an act during a...
Bell Rung
- This quad rider meets a metal wall face first.
Bike into Truck
- I don't think this guy just got up and walked away...
Bad Robbery
- A store clerk gets nailed in the head with a fire...
Close Call
- This guy nearly gets decapitated by an out of control...
Attempted Assassination
- The video from the attempted assassination of Prince...
Wrestling Mistakes
- A compilation of mistakes in wrestling that either...
Eddie Griffin Enzo Crash
- Eddie Griffin crashes a 1.5 million dollar Ferrari...
Corwin Attacked
- Jeff Corwin nearly gets his arm ripped off by an...
Prank Causes Stroke
- Two 13 year old girls prank call this lady acting like...
Murder Suspect
- You wont believe what police do to this man!
Listen To Cops
- Here is yet another reason why you should always...
Car Tricks
- This brave guy shows off some of his car tricks while...
Truck VS Wall
- A dump truck runs into a safety wall at full speed.
Huge Mismatch
- This is one of the most one sided fights I've ever...
Lucky Day
- This guy goes to the store to cash in a winning...
Cop Beats Bartender
- This surveillance footage shows a police officer...
Cop Dragged
- This cop gets dragged over a block by a fleeing...
Stick to Face
- Chris Simon of the New York Islanders is suspended for...
Sad Robbery
- A man mugs 2 elderly women in a few hours time in...
Bad Hearing
- A man flips out during a hearing, injuring his mother...
Dog Theft
- Criminals hold a family at gunpoint as they steal........
Underwater Video
- This is exactly why humans shouldn't mess around in...
Balloon to Back
- These guys use a slingshot to launch a water balloon...
Pork and Coke
- Is this for real?!?!
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