Parkour Runner Leaps Over Bathroom Stalls Where People...
- Can I get a little privacy here, man?
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25 Posts and Reactions to RFK Jr. At Steak n’ Shake
- "The HHS Secretary is apparently doing an ad for Steak...
German Minister Tries and Fails to Break Champagne...
- That’s a bad sign, right?
Hungry Women Get Into Slap Fight in McDonald’s...
- Would you like fries with that slap?
No Donkeys Sleeping in Bathtubs and 18 Other Very...
- Laws are necessary for a functioning society. However,...
25 Cringiest Ads of All Time
- Here's some work from newly unemployed copywriters.
Church Gets Caught Going a Little Overboard with the...
- Don’t ask why they were doing a Cher song in church.
21 Powerful Photos of Russia's Second Deadliest Train...
- On June 4th, 1989, about 47 miles east of the Russian...
35 Photos of Botched Cosmetic Enhancements
- Beauty standards have changed over the centuries as...
Homeless Person 'Love Bombs' Influencer Using Them for...
- Not so fun when *you’re* being used for someone...
Watch These Two Guys Learn How Not to Tow a Car
- Well, you got exactly zero parts of that correct....
Teller Laughs at Dude Trying to Rob Her With a Butcher...
- A genuine case of “you call that a knife?”
Two Dudes Try to Bring Table on Escalator, Fail, Then...
- This went about as bad as it could go.
Driver Pepper Sprays e-Bikers as He Races By Them
- And the internet’s response is…mixed.
Woman Tries to Get a Leg Up By Standing on Paint...
- Use a chair next time.
The 20 Dumbest Headlines of 2025, So Far
- 2025 could’ve been the first year we stopped being...
31 People Living Life on Hard Mode
- If you get an insane face tattoo just know you’ll...
Thief Gets Interviewed Mid-Robbery
- He offers a unique, first-person perspective.
Woman Tries to Catch Football, Gets Hit in the Head on...
- Turning that end zone dance into a “confused end...
29 Fails and Facepalms to Make You Cringe
- The world is full of embarrassing fails, and we...
Woman Tries to Road Rage, But the Other Car Doesn’t...
- It just feels so pathetic when the other person...
Dude Fights to Keep Hot Dog on the Roller
- And he’s not exactly winning.
Dog Show Dudes Get Into a Heated Argument About Which...
- I didn’t realize that dog shows got this heated!
Girl Abandons Porsche As It Drives Into a Wall
- Eh, she can just get another one.
Vietnamese Masseuse Slips Off Client, Flips Into Wall
- So… you guys just have cameras in the massage room?
Cop Tries to Hop in Back of a Convertible, Falls Right...
- He didn’t think that one through.
Millionaire Podcaster Unsurprisingly Has Terrible...
- Nothing says “success” like buying a painting of...
Dad Slips on Ice with an Arm Full of Groceries
- This is why you should take two trips.
Inside the U.K.’s ‘Ugly Face’ Competition
- Everyone’s a winner!
Woman Stops Robbery By Hitting Thief Over the Head...
- Bringing wrestling moves to the streets!
Man Avoids Cops by Ditching His Car
- Sometimes the best way to run from the cops is to not...
Man Spots a Ton of Floating Orbs Outside the Window of...
- The flight was going from Chicago to *gasp* New Jersey.
‘Re-homing’ Events Have Unwanted Kids Walking the...
- This is dark.
Love Is a Battlefield and These 20 Dating Memes Are...
- Dating is a war zone, and these memes are the friendly...
Teacher Doing Demonstration Falls Flat on Her Face
- This is about as far as you can go from “sticking...
Dude Makes His Own Stop on the Train
- You have reached your destination!
Dude Gets Hit By Giant Wave of Falling Snow
- This could have been avoided.
Dude Gets Caught Making Out With, Then Breaking,...
- Maybe he was just compelled by the sexy spirit of the...
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