Joy Behar Complains Ukraine Crisis Jeopardizing...
- During a segment of The View today, longtime host Joy...
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11 People Who Went Missing Describe What Happened to...
- Many of which detail the funny, scary, and downright...
Small Brewery Humiliates Douchebags Who Think Stealing...
- A small brewery decided to get back at four douchebags...
31 WTF Tattoos to Make You Think Before You Ink
- They know tattoos are permanent, right?
Insanely Fat Black Bear, Hank the Tank, Terrorizing...
- Hank the Tank has broken into almost 40 homes since...
Olympic Skier's Penis Froze During Final Race
- Remi Lindholm reportedly froze his penis during the...
"Millions" Worth of NFTs Stolen from Largest NFT...
- Here we are again.
27 People Who Really Have No Business Working in...
- Unsafe, unprofessional and unbelievable -...
17 People Who Had a Case of the Mondays
- They mastered the art of failure.
30 Times The Universe Unfairly Picked on Someone
- Enjoy a real saucy serving of Schadenfreude that we...
28 Terrible Designs that Failed in Spectacular Fashion
- They need to be shamed.
15 Times People Need to Remain Calm
- They say patients is a virtue, and while not all of us...
30 People Who Asked Really Dumb Questions
- They say there is no such thing as a stupid question,...
Miami Scientist Arrested and Charged as a Russian Spy
- A tale of self-destruction and Russian spies.
20 Insane Self Defense Tips Guaranteed to Backfire
- Don't try these.
Prince Andrew Admits Guilt and Settles Sexual Abuse...
- The suit against Prince Andrew claims that he sexually...
Olympics Says Russian Skater Who Failed Drug Test Can...
- The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) that oversees...
19 Examples of Life Not Going According to Plan
- Sometimes it rains and other times it pours, the...
Judd Apatow Overhears Kanye Complaining about Poor...
- Judd Apatow arguably had the best Super Bowl seats in...
Irishman Brings Corpse of Dead Uncle Hoping to Collect...
- Like something out of A Weekend at Bernie's intercut...
Futurama Reboot in Trouble After Hulu Penny-Pinches...
- Bite my shiny metal ass!
Alleged Escort and Her John Get Maced by IRL Streamer
- Karen and you shall receive.
20 Unfortunate Souls Who Got a Dose of Dismay From the...
- Unfortunately all the good luck these folks may have...
26 Helicopter Parents Who Annoyed Their Kids
- When parents take it too far.
Meta Launches "Personal Boundary" Setting After...
- A good old-fashioned, how it started vs how it's going...
NYC Mayor Says Heroin Addiction And Cheese Addiction...
- The newly elected mayor of New York City is constantly...
30 People Having a Worse Day Than You
- Sometimes life doesn't go your way. But that's just...
30 Secrets People Have Kept Their Entire Lives (Until...
- Some funny, some serious. Some deeply insane.
29 People Who Had One Job and Failed It
- Welp, here we are again. Another batch of 'you had one...
29 People Who Had One Job and Failed It
- Welp, here we are again. Another batch of 'you had one...
20 Strange and Confusing Images That Have Some...
- Some people are really strange and have no filter when...
20 Hard-to-Believe Real Estate Listings Spotted on...
- Just a stone's throw away from crazy.
Man's Wife Unsure If He'll Sleep With Adopted Adult...
- Pure WTF from start to finish.
20 WTF Tattoos to Make You Think Before You Ink
- Think before you ink.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended for Saying "Holocaust Wasn't...
- Whoopi Goldberg, 66, has been suspended from her...
Trucker Refuses to Be Victim, Absolutely Destroys...
- A group of armed robbers thought to stop a car on the...
News Anchor Gets Uncomfortably Personal With Female...
- The female reporter, Bree Walker, handled it like a...
31 Terrifying Moments That Changed People Forever
- Real-life can often be far more gruesome and...
26 Times People Were Shocked By Their Guest's Bad...
- People who were real unpleasant.
Family Doesn't Care That House is On Fire
- Seems like this family didnt care too much that their...
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