Forest Night Life
- What really happens in the woods at night.
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Standing Moto Stunt Fail
- Double Fail...
Standing Moto Stunt Fail
- Double Fail...
Soccer Player Gives Little Kid a Keepsake Before the...
- What an honor...
- Scared Straight style!
- Scared Straight style!
The Man With The Iron Chin
- You can't knock this guy out!
Why You Shouldn't Make Bootleg Fireworks
- Ready? He was not.
Future Darwin Award Recipient
- Dude in Russia does a backflip out of a 4th story...
Guy Eats It on a Steeplechase Hurdle
- Two for the price of one!
Drunk Man Sings Bohemian Rhapsody In Back Of Police...
- He sang the entire Queen classic in the back of the...
Scared Straight - Kool Aid Lips
- Hilarious
Knicks Commentator Slips Up
- Al Trautwig says Amare Stoudemire has a bulging Dick...
School Wrestling Goes Wrong
- Damn! Not for the squeamish.
Dangerous Way to Feed Wolves
- It's amazing how they didn't eat his face.
Gifs That Don't Suck...
- Enjoy...
The Best Of The Month: March 2012
- The B.O.M. has been dropped on March.
Dancing Woman Troll At the Park
- Wait for it...
Use the Force
- bringing back the classic
The Best Pass Off the Face You'll See
- Some times you just need to use your head to get that...
One Dirty Game Of Soccer
- Kids Can Play Dirty Too!
Unconventional Retro Vehicles
- Can you imagine if some of these had actually caught...
Sexy Fail...
- Almost nailed it
Crazy Stunt Plane
- Uhh, how is this possible?
Crazy Chick from FAU REMIX
- Waka Flocka Edition.
Guy Escapes From The Courtroom
- You cant stop me!
Jedis Are a Walking Epic Fail
- But that looked so awesome in Star Wars.
AH-64 Apache Crash in Afghanistan
- The pilot was executing a maneuver known as "return to...
Police To Reporter: Your First Amendment Right Can Be...
- WGN Photographer Donte Williams and Reporter Dan Ponce...
Chappelle's Show: Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood...
- In honor of Charlie Murphy's life, we'd like to...
An Honest First Date
- How Refreshing!
Hilarious Introduction
- Real life troll face.
WTF Picture Dump
- Description
Going In F'ing Sane
- GIFs!
Facebook Wins and Fails
- More of the Facebook wins and fails you love.
Roman Candle to the Head
- Boom! Headshot!
WTF Appreciation Gallery
- WTF goodness guaranteed. Now with 90% less scrolling
The Real Meaning of MPH
- The sex must be amazing!!
eBaum's Picks