22 Super Entitled People Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world is full of people who no matter what, always...
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32 People Whose Day Went from Bad to Worse
- When things go from wrong to wronger.
Insane Parents Who Shouldn't Have Children
- Moms and Dads acting worse than the kids.
25 Pics Packed to the Brim With Dumb
- You couldn't fit anymore dumb in a single one of these...
27 Bold Faced Lies Told On Social Media
- If you're going to tell a lie, at least make it...
Oblivious Guys Share the Dumbest Ways They've Turned...
- At least I know I'm not alone.
Kid Who Thinks He's an "Operator" Gets Yelled at by...
- He was just answering the call of duty, fighting...
Red Flags To Know Before Looking For a Job
- When you meet with a potential employer, you should be...
Twitter Tells Men, "Don't Lean In" You Beta Males
- Is it gay to hug women?
Girls Open Champagne Bottles While on Horseback and...
- For whatever reason, these two ladies thought it would...
26 Entitled Karens Who Need to Get a Grip
- The world is full of people with delusions of grandeur...
18 Moms and Dads Who Shouldn't Have Kids
- These parents should have thought long and hard before...
33 Times Mistakes Were Made
- When things go wrong they tend to go horribly wrong....
Tow Truck Driver Got Arrested For Trying to Repo a...
- A tow truck driver was arrested and his truck booted...
Woman Finds the Dirtiest Children's Book Ever
- The author of "Brenda's Beaver Needs a Barber" knew...
Nurses on TikTok Recreate Dancing Pallbearers Meme and...
- And we thought these dancing nurse videos couldn't get...
North Koreans "Crying" Over The Death of Kim-Jong Il
- Soon they'll be crying over our big round boy too, or...
20 Pics Packed To the Brim with Dumb
- Get those for heads ready, a facepalm is a-coming.
34 Times People Took Things Way Too Literally
- Just because you did exactly what was asked of you...
America Stands Behind President Trump
- President Donald J Trump has the American people...
Kylie Jenner is the Queen of Catfish
- You're not ugly, you're just poor, the words circle my...
Mean Teacher Loses Her Job After She Loses Her...
- This mean teacher got taught a lesson she wont soon...
Martial Artist Thinks He's Bruce Lee, Embarrasses...
- She was counting the seconds until this segment ended.
Kenneth Copeland Speaking In Tongues
- Kenneth Copeland is so full of sh*t, I can smell him...
21 Horrible Airplane Offenders That Shouldn't Be...
- You wont miss flying after remembering how gross...
New Alpha Boss Thinks They Can Bully Employees
- When coming into a new work environment, this boss...
15 People Who Know a "Karen" Personally, Explain What...
- Sure we all like to poke fun at the super entitled and...
Giant RC Plane Crashes That Put a Dent in Their...
- The extra-large sized remote-controlled airplanes cost...
Delusional New Store Owner Shocked He Can't Buy Former...
- When buying a chain convenience store, this unnamed...
Karen's of America Are Tired of the Lockdown
- Karen would like to speak to the manager of COVID-19.
'Social Distancing' Is Not an Excuse to Act Like an...
- If you're this concerned about walking down a crowded...
'Social Distancing' Is Not an Excuse to Act Like an...
- If you're this concerned about walking down a crowded...
22 Times Sh*t Hit the Fan
- When mistakes get made, we get to laugh!
Three of the Most Frustrating Stimulus Check Stories
- The IRS is sending stimulus checks to dead people and...
Woman Goes Full Blown Karen With Crazy Demands to a...
- This overly entitled woman needs to be put in her...
Dude Jokes about Getting Struck by Lightning Then...
- A Hawaiian man named Aumauinuuese Sioeli Puni got...
24 Dumb Pics Filled To The Brim With Stupidity
- A whole bunch of fails and facepalm.
Photos From 'Operation Gridlock' and Other State...
- Americans defy 'draconian' stay-at-home orders and...
27 Awkward Times Celebrities Failed at Social Media
- We all know what's it's like to embarrass ourselves on...
The Full History of the "Dancing Pallbearers" Meme
- Everything you could ever know about a single meme.
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