Task Failed Successfully: 26 People Who Perfected the...
- An attempt was made but they missed the mark.
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Guy's Face Smashes the Dashboard Leaving Teeth Prints...
- This beautifully restored Mercury Comet featuring over...
25 Taco Bell Facts To Read While You’re Blowing Up...
- A collection of facts and information about the fast...
22 Confusing Signs That Left Us Bewildered
- I'm astounded that any of these signs got approved the...
Puncture Proof QVC Air Mattress Pops Live on Air
- Obviously, the manufacturer isn't expecting people to...
Dashcam Captures Hurricane Ida Tearing Roof Off and...
- That was close.
Student Pilot Loses Engine, Emergency Lands Like a Boss
- Thanks to remembering his training (and having some...
Fourteen Weird and Obscure Gaming Consoles That...
- When someone says “video game console,” chances...
Pilot Forced to Ditch Plane During Coco Beach Airshow...
- Bystanders at the beach watch as an older aircraft...
29 Random Memes to Escape Real Life
- You’ll be fine. I promise.
Amazon's Game Streaming Service Arrives and Damn Is...
- Here's to hoping Amazon Luna is a sparkling failure.
24 People Who Tried and Failed
- They really nailed it.
The Pandemic Presentation Obama's Transition Team...
- As is typical for out-going presidents, Obama's...
Dog Hilariously Flunks out of Service Dog Training...
- A funny video from the Double H Canine Training...
Guy Goes From Lowballing for a Camera to Asking out on...
- This seller received the most cringey messages you'll...
29 Times Things Went Downhill Fast
- When things got out of hand fast.
Crossfit Fail as Chick Smushes Her Crotch During a...
- She's going to be sore in all the wrong places after...
Streamer's Colorblindness Bites Him in a Crucial Bomb...
- Quirkitized realized his limits while trying to defuse...
Taiwanese Suspension Bridge Suddenly Collapses as...
- Two people were killed and 20 were injured Tuesday...
Lady Busted for Impersonating an Officer to Get a Free...
- This poser got thrown in jail and her girlfriend fired...
32 Times Sh*t Hit the Fan
- Pics from times things did not go as planned.
53 Times the Sh** Hit the Fan
- They should probably just go back to bed.
45 Epic Design Fails
- These are so bad it's hard to believe they actually...
Guy's Magic Trick is Interrupted by a Surprise Visitor
- Someone's gonna have to change their act to stand...
Huge Explosion At Power Plant Transforms The New York...
- Is this a superhero origin story in the making?
Two Women Share A Joke Then Get Swallowed Up by the...
- You never know what lurks beneath.
Pilot Incredibly Walks Away After Crashing WWII Nazi...
- A World War II-era replica plane crashed on U.S. 101...
Amateur Pilot Fakes Engine Failure For Marriage...
- Nothing like convincing your girlfriend she's about to...
Ted Cruz's Attempt at a Dunk Will Leave You Cringing
- The former presidential hopeful is adding "NBA player"...
Scary Mid-Flight Engine Failure Forces Emergency...
- This happened over Ufa, Russia on August 22, 2018....
Rambunctious Child Ruins Exhibit and Parents are Left...
- This hug is gonna cost them.
Karma Comes Quick for an Overconfident Poker Player
- Wait, are you supposed to count your chickens before...
How Not To Impress Girls At The Beach
- Their silence speaks volumes.
15 Social Media Posts That Got Idiots Busted
- And this year's Darwin Award goes to...
Woman Narrowly Cheats Death On Amusement Ride in Paris
- A terrifying moment when the ride malfunctions and...
19 Things Where You've Had That Feel
- You've been there. The rest of us have too.
18 Funny Facebook Wins And Fails
- A new batch of hilarious and humiliating Facebook...
17 Epic Facebook Wins And Fails
- A fresh batch of hilarious and humiliating Facebook...
18 People Who Failed At Instagram
- Examples of serious Instagram failures.
25 Examples Of You Had One Job
- Everyone makes mistakes from time to time.
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