Ammunition Plant Explodes, Causes Massive Mushroom...
- Earlier today, Ukraine used a drone to strike an...
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Shaq and His New Girlfriend Are Perfectly Represented...
- If you’re Shaq, chances are slim that you’re going...
37U Footballers Take Pick-Up Ball a Bit Too Seriously
- Football is a young man’s game, largely due to the...
Here’s What They Thought the Future Would Look Like...
- If you’re trying to predict the future, you’re...
Man Throws Cigarette Into Wildfire Right in Front of...
- The summer is ending with some pretty wild weather.
Moo Deng Got Slapped by a Monkey
- The internet has fallen in love with Moo Deng, a two...
Dad Freaks Out After Realizing Someone Messed Up His...
- A man’s home is his castle — and who in their...
Old Dude Tries Mentos Trick, Falls Flat on His Ass
- Put Mentos in Diet Coke, get a big explosion.
Thursday Morning Randomness: 40 Cool Randoms to...
- Start your day with a laugh.
45 Highly-Questionable Pregnancy Announcement...
- Take a look at these pregnant people, and get...
32 Savage Tweets That Don't Take Anything Seriously
- Pager? I hardly know her!
25 Pics Because Reality Is Just a Sims Game
- Sometimes real life looks like a video game.
21 Thursday Work Memes to Get You Primed for Friday
- Working always feels like walking a tight rope between...
The 53 Funniest Tweets From the Last 24 Hours
- RAWBF (resting Alabama white boy face).
8-Year-Old Goes on Joyride to Target
- I gotta say, this is pretty impressive.
Drunk Brits Get Interviewed the Day Before Drunk...
- It’s hard to believe, but there was a long period in...
Woman Says Liked Tweet About ‘Being a Whore for...
- We’ve really let employers get away with a lot.
Newscaster Doing Report About Car Crashes Films Car...
- Parking lots are pretty boring places.
37 Pics of Kids Trapped Inside Claw Machines
- Here are a bunch of kids trapped in claw machines.
27 Hilarious and Strange Celebrity Product Endorsements
- Here are some celebrity endorsements that...
21 More Funny Tweets and Reactions to Diddy's Arrest
- Has anyone checked on Johnson & Johnson's wholesale...
Kid Accidentally Makes the Perfectly Profane Greeting...
- Children see the world differently, and much more...
Wednesday Morning Randomness: 41 Choice Pics and Memes...
- Start your day with a laugh.
33 Fresh Memes and Pics to Check Out on Your Lunch...
- Lunch breaks never feels as long or relaxing as they...
20 Headlines That Leave Us With Zero Faith in Humanity
- The news might artificially inflate negative...
Inside the Japanese Cafe Where Servers Make Fun of You
- Have you ever wanted to be yelled at by a tiny...
The 69 Funniest Tweets From the Last 24 Hours
- These are the handcuffs of a killer, Ryan.
23 People Having a Worse Day Than You
- These folks dealt with the most annoying, costly, and...
Amateur Fire Jump Ends in Muddy Pantsless Crash
- What exactly were they going for here?
Flight in Mexico Is Filled With Mosquitos
- One would hope that, inside of a plane, they’re...
Mechanic Gets His Hat Knocked Off by Exploding Tire
- He’s lucky that all he lost was his hat.
Person Says They Had a Lego Piece Stuck in Their Nose...
- Maybe now that it’s out, it’ll be like The...
The World’s Oldest Crocodile Is Terrifying
- How old can crocodiles get? 20 years? 30 years? Try...
Dudes Moving Wood Hits Everything in Sight
- Have you ever tried to move with a small car?
Tuesday Morning Randomness: 40 Awesome Pics to Make...
- Start your day with a laugh.
41 Fresh Randoms to Take to Lunch
- On paper your lunch break is about nourishing your...
20 Facepalms and Fails From the Past Few Weeks
- Posts and headlines bad enough to make your blood boil.
The 50 Funniest Tweets From the Last 24 Hours
- A Failed assassination attempt? Before the election?...
Bride’s Bouquet Catch Turns Into All-Out Brawl
- Well, it turns out that some people are really, really...
‘Jeopardy!’ Contestant Has Most Unhinged Personal...
- Jeopardy! has changed a lot since its inception.
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