Clueless Weightlifter Nearly Decapitates Himself
- When you don't know what you're doing in the gym and...
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All the Best Dunks on Jake Shields' Terrible Tweet
- Former MMA fighter Jake Shields learned a very...
Buckingham Palace Tourist Gets an Earful after...
- King's Guard, 1. Ignorant entitled tourist, 0.
World's Worst Package Thief Biffs the Heist AND the...
- This guy might want to pick a different line of work...
‘Fuck Bud Light!’: Kid Rock Unloads on Four...
- MAGA-boy, Detroit native, and Sheryl Crow...
20 People Who Realized They Were Dating An Idiot
- Facepalm worthy stories from people who realized their...
Drug Dealing Douche Tries to Rob Undercover Cop at...
- An undercover officer attempted to make a deal for...
Big Man Putting Finishing Touches on Tree Has a...
- I've always heard if someone says "don't fall" or...
Manager Cancels Overtime and is Shocked When Employees...
- This newly made manager decided to switch things up...
5 WTF Moments from the Trial of Darrell Brooks
- This clown decided to represent himself without any...
Idiot Biker Forgets That Cars Move Too, Gets Clipped
- In this video, a motorcyclist who was weaving through...
Scumbag Gets Arrested after Leaving Husky Puppy in Hot...
- What could have been a tragedy turns into an arrest...
Teacher Showing Off For Students Damn Near Ends Up...
- He was showing off his balance and agility ironically...
Teacher Showing Off For Students Damn Near Ends Up...
- He was showing off his balance and agility ironically...
Gas Stealing Dumbass Lights Himself on Fire in Dose of...
- A man attempting to steal gas in Utah finds out if you...
Orangutan Hands Idiot His Own Ass
- A guy visiting the zoo got a little too close for...
Courthouse Guard Teaches "Sovereign Citizen" a Lesson...
- An old clip that has flown under the radar for far too...
Entitled Client Gets a Full Refund For a Video But...
- The customer thinks he should still be able to use the...
Idiots Attempting to Rob a Jewelry Store Get Beat Up...
- Four men who attempted a smash and grab at a local...
35 Savage Memes Not For the Faint of Heart
- Take this batch of pics and memes as an offering of...
Douchebag Nails Learning Biker, Checks His Car First
- An idiot driver rams into a learning biker, sending...
Alleged Boat Thief Snags a New Ride But Doesn't Know...
- The stolen yacht, which likely cost millions of...
"I'm Not Suicidal! Jussie Smollett's Weird Courtroom...
- Jussie Smollett, 39, convicted for lying to police...
Boss Wannabe Gets Blasted Online for Belittling a...
- This guy asked reddit if he was the a**hole in a work...
Parent Who Bullied Kid off Playground Asks 'AITA' and...
- Yes... the answer is yes.
Dude's Attempt to Hide Stash From Cops Fails Miserably
- This guy likely heard the cops at his door and hoped...
Karen Accuses Dude of Stealing Her Phone, Finds It In...
- I'm pretty sure she found the phone midway through and...
The 25 Biggest Bullets Anyone Has Ever Dodged
- "Dodged a bullet" is a phrase we use to describe...
Marine Veteran Single-Handedly Disarms Robber at Gas...
- Mess with the bull you get the horns, mess with a...
Driver Tries to Regain Suspended License in Court...
- He's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Jacksonville Jaguars Coach Urban Meyer Embarasses...
- Jaguars head coach Urban Meyer is making all the wrong...
Impatient Driver Tries to Pass Jeep and Flips His Car
- Florida man gets a little too impatient when trying to...
Reporter Harasses Wrong Dude While He Repeatedly Tries...
- Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition approached a helper of...
Why You Shouldn't Chill In a Mosh Pit
- The mosh pit is not a place to have a relaxing drink,...
Enraged Man Challenges Teenagers Over "Ganja" Smell,...
- In this clip, this dude claims to smell 'ganja' and...
Drunk Man Performs Impressive Shoulder Throw on Cop,...
- An intoxicated Wisconsin man was caught on camera...
Trucker Tries to Run Grandmother and Grandchildren Off...
- Attempted murder of an entire family might be a BIT of...
Clueless Idiot Catcalls a Woman During an...
- Patrick Jones was headed out to cover the new...
Dude Fails to Receive Happy Meal, Loses Control of...
- Apparently, moments before the clip begins, this dude...
Guy Pulls Fake Gun on Clerk, Regrets It Instantly
- Maybe he needed the money for a better fake.
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