Karen Tries to Escape Tow Truck but Makes Things Much...
- Your brain must be completely smooth to think this was...
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Idiot Boss Gets Owned by Employee's Malicious...
- "Malicious compliance" is one of my favorite ways to...
23 Infuriating Pictures of Real COVIdiots
- The Coronavirus helping us see who among us are the...
Guy Tries to Justify Not Helping Pregnant Wife,...
- He got roasted to an absolute crisp.
Woman Has Brilliant Explanation for Cutting a Hole in...
- True geniuses understand that there are no boundaries,...
Tow Truck Driver Got Arrested For Trying to Repo a...
- A tow truck driver was arrested and his truck booted...
American Flag with Bowl Cut Drinks Hard and Parties...
- Snorting mustard off a watermelon is the least weird...
Throwing a Knife Into a Spray Paint Can Leads to...
- How he didn't see that coming is beyond me.
Idiot Tries to Flee After Flooding His Hotel Room...It...
- If you create a slip 'n slide at your next hotel by...
Dude Gets Schooled by Anti-Fascist Sign
- Not the proudest moment for this Proud Boy-wannabe.
Guy Refuses COVID-19 Test, Gets Into A Fight With...
- It seems as though this guy is sane, just a little...
British PM Boris Johnson Tests Positive For...
- If the virus doesn't kill us, the baffling...
Trump Health Official Offers Word Salad When Asked if...
- Seriously, can anyone provide a straight answer on...
Unhinged Man Yells Flat-Earther Conspiracies at Kids...
- This guy is so proud to have "flat-smacked" a whole...
Crazy Woman Goes on Drug-Fueled Rant at Dollar Store
- This cameraman has the patience of an absolute saint...
Dude Accidentally Shoots Gun While Making Video & Gets...
- He really looks at the blunt like it fired the gun.
Drunk Old Dude Gets Into an Argument With His Own...
- If you've ever wondered how to tell you've had one too...
Drunk Dude Tries Running From Cops, Isn't Very...
- You know you're too drunk when you’re full-on...
Female Best Buy Employee Manhandles Shoplifting Dude...
- This guy thought he would do a snatch and grab but...
Dude with His Kids in the Car Impersonates Cops,...
- James Hoefert eventually pleaded guilty to shooting...
Man Tries to Blow up Roach Infestation, Accidentally...
- After dumping gasoline into an underground cockroach...
Dash Cam Captures Idiot Thief's Multiple Attempts to...
- After several attempts, this "genius" was finally able...
Idiot Driver Causes Serious Accident Because They...
- Moron comes to a screeching halt in the middle of the...
"Influencer" Looking for a Freebie Gets Shut Down, and...
- She expected nearly $1500 worth of free services, but...
33 "What Idiot Called It..." Tweets That Made Me...
- Better names for things that you can probably agree...
Rand Paul Claims People Making Under $50k Don't Pay...
- Senator Paul: If you make less than $50k, you aren't...
Absolute Class Act Responds to Wife Divorcing Him by...
- According to Redditors who live in the same town, this...
Idiot Showing Off Strength Picks Up More Than He Can...
- Remember kids: it's a lot less shameful to know your...
Guy Gets Cat-fished, Ends Up Marrying Woman As Old As...
- This is just one reason why you meet someone before...
Sassy Criminal Gets Roasted By Cops After Stealing A...
- She's not the brightest bulb in the box, but she's...
Aussie Doesn't Realize Snowbank Has Turned To Solid...
- I can't get over the sounds he makes after the wind is...
Drunk Idiot Shouts at State Trooper on Traffic Stop...
- Officer Tattoo lays down the law on this either drunk...
Inmate Thinks Girlfriend In Hurricane Zone Is Having...
- He's not the brightest bulb in the box, is he?
Honesty is the Best Policy: Tenant Forced to Pay...
- A tenant got evicted and thought they could lie their...
Know-It-All "Karen" C.F.O. Uses The Wrong Calculator...
- When dismissing other people's opinions because you...
Truck Driver Hits a Telephone Pole Causing it to Snap...
- Watch as this truck driver gets too close and breaks...
The Longer This Driver Stays Calm, The Angrier This...
- It just goes to show that sometimes, the best response...
Guys Watch a Clueless Dude Get Busted in Undercover...
- A would be "john" gets scooped up by cops during his...
Incredibly Stupid Truck Driver Attempts U-Turn On...
- Thankfully, local citizens were able to alert...
Clueless Guy Tries Plunging His GF's Clogged Sink,...
- That's not how that works, bro.
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