15 People Who Look Like Their Jobs
- The plastic surgeon probably did his own surgery and...
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33 Deadly Jobs Where Balance Is Key
- These guys are the least clumsy workers on Earth.
36 People Who Spectacularly Failed At Their One Job
- Sometimes, humanity proves we should just be replaced...
26 Dangerous Jobs That Look Like a Video Game Quest
- Video games are popular because you get to feel like...
They Don't Get Paid Enough: 21 Photos of People...
- Most jobs aren't cushiony white collar affairs, but...
Not My Job: 33 Jobs From History We Couldn't Even...
- Quick! Name the last time you saw an arcade attendant.
20 Professionals Share the Wildest Misconceptions...
- It's all in a day's work ...
No One Is Actually Reading Your Resume, Says Ex-Google...
- A former Google employee, Jerry Lee, discovered as...
Take This Job and Shove It - 22 Work Memes We Can...
- Funny memes to laugh at on the clock.
21 Occupations That Attract People With the Worst...
- I’m not saying every nurse is a mean girl but every...
Job Poster Exposes the Back End of LinkedIn and How...
- Any current job seeker will tell you that the hiring...
20 Friday Work Memes to Fuel Your Dream of the Weekend
- Well look at that, you ended the work week in one...
24 Work Memes Phoning It In Until the New Year
- Can you believe that your boss is expecting you to...
22 Monday Work Memes to Laugh Away the Pain
- Sadly the weekend is over and we are all back in our...
22 People Share Their Weird Jobs That Actually Pay Well
- What if you've never even heard of your future dream...
The Worst Bad Bosses of the Week October 16, 2023
- There are as many bad bosses as there are jobs to be...
Boss Continues to Deny One Employee's Vacation...
- It's way past time this person find a new job.
25 People Who Quit a Job on Day One Share Their "I’m...
- Sometimes we take a job because we need the money, but...
20 People Share the Reasons Why They Were Fired
- It sucks to get fired, you have to clean out your desk...
20 Professions That Attract the Worst Types of People
- Some careers attract more weirdos than others, here...
20 Fed-Up People Who Clearly Hate Their Job
- We've all been there, a crappy job, working crappy...
20 Employees Reveal their Final 'F**k You's' to their...
- You're lying to yourself and everybody around if...
20 American Culturalisms That Confuse the Rest of the...
- America has become the butt of the world's jokes...
People Are Filming Themselves Quitting Their Jobs in...
- “He was so nice,” TikToker @lesssbessst wrote...
‘I’ve Made a Huge Mistake’: Construction Workers...
- Someone is about to have a long weekend, because they...
20 People Share the Most Desperate Things They’ve...
- Humans will do just about anything for money. Don't...
Manager Shows Up 10 Minutes Late to Interview, and...
- This person arrived early for their interview only...
Insufferable Influencer Says She's 'Too Pretty' to...
- Lucy Welcher, a young TikTok influencer with over 80...
25 People On LinkedIn Out of Touch With the Real World
- The real business gurus aren't spending all day...
TikTok Electrician Goes Viral for Stepping into a...
- Isabelle McGuire is a 17-year-old electrician who has...
25 'Awesome' Jobs That Aren't What They Cracked Up to...
- Hate your job? Most people do. And you've probably...
New Boss Gets Exactly What He Wants, Loses Job
- There's a lot of dumb things to destroy your job over...
27 Surprising Industry Secrets That Were Spilled By...
- What really goes on behind the scenes at different...
35 Most Sociopathic Ways People Were Fired
- Bizarre stories that showed just how much companies...
Don’t Tell HR That You Came in Your Pants
- This story comes to us from the subreddit, Today I...
20 Jobs That We Have Zero Respect For
- These jobs are for the absolute scum of the earth...
17 Crazy Signs and Notes from Entitled Managers That...
- It's about time these managers returned from their...
25 Jobs That Deserve Much Higher Pay
- Everyone thinks they need a bigger paycheck. But we...
5 Times People Broke the Rules By Following Them
- Some beautiful stories of malicious compliance
12 Facts That Prove Amazon is the Scum of the Earth
- Our tax payer dollars are going towards helping Amazon...
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