Kid Puts Firework Down Manhole, Gets Sent to the Skies
- Yet another sign to not do this.
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Assholes Light Off Fireworks in a Subway
- I know their sandwiches suck, but isn’t this a bit...
8-Year-Old’s Google Searches Shows an Insight Into...
- What goes on in the mind of the modern child?
Kids Are Fully Brain Rotted by Cocomelon
- The kids aren’t alright.
Parents Are Tricking Their Kids Into Pretending to Be...
- It never gets old.
20 Childhood Pics of Big-Time Stars
- Before they were famous, they were kids.
20 Childhood Pics of Big-Time Stars
- Before they were famous, they were kids.
21 Unsupervised 1920's Kids Parents Today Would Lose...
- Just be back home by dinner time.
Mom of Deaf Children Says They Keep Screaming to Test...
- You’d think they would have figured it out by now.
Kids Make Leaf Blower Hovercrafts, Then Race Them
- Why’d I have to go to school when kids still read...
Kid Accidentally Makes the Perfectly Profane Greeting...
- Children see the world differently, and much more...
21 Times Kids Got On Their Parent’s Last Nerves
- Fresh, microwaved Nintendo 3DS, anyone?
Kids Turn Motorbike Exhaust Pipe Into Energy Drink...
- These kids, however, add a little twist: spraying the...
29 Funny Parenting For Those of Us With Kids
- Aren't kids a blessing?
This Village in Portugal Lets Kids Smoke Cigarettes...
- Some places have beautiful traditions.
Kids Steal Stranger’s Car, Take it On Boozy,...
- We’re now on our third Kia Boyz summer, where people...
23 Creepy Things Kids Told Their Parents
- Kids say the darndest — and weirdest — things.
24 Pics Proving That the Kids Are Not Alright
- Kids are still learning, so it's not their fault that...
18 Exhausted Parenting Tweets and Memes We Can Relate...
- Tummy spills, pizza skin, and tantrums galore are all...
18 Most Awkward Parenting Posts of the Week
- Scroll down parents and be with your people.
The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 3,...
- Mistakes, they've made a few
'This Is Why We Eat the Rich': Dude Rocking 1.5...
- A video of a wealthy man stopped on the street has...
24 Vintage Photos of That Show What Life Was Like as...
- What a time it was to be alive... Back when people...
Mom Uncharted Is Fighting an Uphill Battle Against...
- Sarah, aka mom.uncharted, has dedicated herself to...
'I’m Gonna Start Kicking Some Fucking Serious...
- And we think teachers aren't paid enough, just look at...
People Are Debating If It’s Okay for Parents To Have...
- To bone or not to bone, that is the question …. that...
20 Things People Have Gotten Stuck up Their Nose
- True story. When I was about 8 years old, I stuck one...
Entitled Parents Block a Driveway, Call the Cops, and...
- As he was leaving for work he saw a van full of people...
14 Rarely Seen Celebrity Children
- You may not even have known these kids existed.
Parents in Hot Water after Celebrating Son's 5th...
- The internet is up in arms after a video went viral of...
23 Entitled Little Brat Kids Who Don't Deserve Anything
- Kids these days, am I right?
Candy Bandit Flips off Doorbell Camera after Taking...
- It's safe to say this trick-or-treater is the hero we...
Candy Bandit Flips off Doorbell Camera after Taking...
- It's safe to say this trick-or-treater is the hero we...
Crazy Neighbor Demands Man Pays Medical Bills After...
- The new owners frequently asked the children not to...
Entire Bus Cheers as Young Kid Hits the 'Griddy'
- The griddy dance has now made its way to the children....
20 Things That Were Awesome as a Kid but Not So Much...
- Take us back to the good old days, for the love of god.
Absolutely Epic: The Kid's USA Mullet Championships is...
- The mullets are awesome, but the names are even...
Insane Kids Take on a Massive Python to Save Their...
- Kids team up on a massive python to save their dog...
31 Reminders That Kids Can Be Really Dumb Sometimes
- They try their best, but that's why school exists...
Grown Man Pushes Past Kids For Autographs at the MLB...
- He might need to reconsider his priorities.
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