Band Finds Brilliant Way to Troll Idiots Who Yell...
- There's one at every show.
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Jeff Ross Roasts Fans on Instagram Live
- The roastmaster held an Instagram Live roast last...
Guy Getting Kicked out of His Apartment Is Forced to...
- And it goes just about how you'd expect it to go!
Bumbling Criminal Outruns Cops and Get Sports...
- How can this many cops be so bad at catching just one...
Killer Mike Finds Sign Language Interpreter Absolutely...
- Sign language interpreters at major concerts were...
Robert Plant Introduces Led Zeppelin to Seated...
- Can you even imagine being lucky enough to be there...
The Rolling Stones Drop in on Muddy Waters at a...
- There aren't a whole lotta British white guys who...
Entitled Live-Streamer Learns a Lesson about...
- Disrespectful young man has a lesson in respect taught...
Larry King Takes a 3-Minute Phone Call While Appearing...
- Larry sat down with Dave Rubin for 'The Rubin Report'...
Wendy Williams Tries and Fails to Sneak Out a Fart...
- Hey Wendy, you better go check your pants, because...
Eddie Murphy Curses on First Night Back At SNL in 35...
- Eddie Murphy brought back the classic last night on...
A Collection of the Best News Bloopers from 2019
- A collection of the best local and national news...
Police Officer Moved to Tears after Speaking with an...
- The officer tears up as he is reminded of his brother...
Eric Swalwell Appears to Rip a Massive Fart on Live TV
- During a live interview with MSNBC some cracks a rat...
Armed Robbers Go Live To Celebrate, Until The PoPo...
- Armed robbers have their celebration interrupted by...
Mankind's Future with Boston Dynamic's Robots...
- If the robot revolution is about to begin, we're on...
Tenacious D Cover Band Has Set Crashed by the Real...
- Tenacious NR/CD is a Dallas-based tribute band...
Woman Aggressively Flirts With Officer Changing Her...
- Aye lady, keep it in your pants.
Musical Genius Replicates Dragonforce's 'Through Fire...
- Twitch streamer Kinsbane was able to do an impromptu...
Help Your Body Feel Its Best with these 11 Crucial...
- The first thing you need to do is live your best life...
First Kyle Seen Naruto Running In Background Of Live...
- This day seemed so far away a few months ago, but here...
Tom Morello (RATM) Faces Off Against Matthew Bellamy...
- I am SO jealous of everyone in the crowd that night!
Internet Fooled By Viral, Live-Streamed Car "Accident"...
- A viral clip of a young girl who appears to crash her...
Twitch Streamer OnlyUseMeBlade Gets Grilled by Chris...
- A livestream went viral when viewers became outraged...
NBC Accidentally Allows Fake Witness of El Paso...
- As the Interview went on it's pretty apparent that it...
Chicago Man Shames Library Pedo On Facebook Live
- Not all heroes wear capes.
Car Owner Tracks Down Thieves and Live Streams...
- Thieves steal car and wallet from owner of a Pet...
QVC Caught Selling Moldy Food On Live TV
- A live broadcast from July 7th, 2019 caught QVC and...
Independent Filmmaker's Anime-Inspired Fight Scene Is...
- Filmmaker Christopher C. Cowan is turning a lot of...
Guy Running From Cops on 4-Wheeler Gets Absolutely...
- He blew through a stop sign and got nailed by an...
Pilot Claims He Captured Jets Spraying Chemtrails
- Real or fake? Tell us why in the comments.
Morning Show Hosts Lose it When Weatherman Talks About...
- Meteorologist Jordan Witzel got confused by...
21 Inventions So Ingenious You'll Wonder How You Lived...
- Simple designs that could turn your world upside down.
Podcast Host Has Gun Pulled On Him During a Livestream
- The weapon used was apparently a "movie prop gun."
32 Pictures That Show A Contrast Between Two Different...
- Powerful photos of peace and war combined, these...
Woman Gets Shot on Facebook Live
- After a heated argument, a woman in a car pulled the...
Microsoft's Gay Robot Presentation - SNL
- Two Microsoft employees (Kate McKinnon, Fred Armisen)...
Guy Hilariously Live Tweets Craziness Before Snow Storm
- The biggest snowstorm since February 2017 slammed...
Will Smith As The Genie Is Sparking Some Controversy
- The first look at Genie from the new Aladdin movie is...
Woman Live-Tweets Girlfriend Confronting Longterm...
- Whoever the cheated-on woman is, she's a total badass.
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