Creative Contraband: 17 Wild Things Confiscated From...
- These are pretty creative.
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30 Crazy Things Prisoners Made Behind Bars
- That's some killer DIY.
Car Thief Unknowingly Steals a UFC Fighter's Car and...
- Never mess with someone who has cauliflower ears AND a...
This Awesome Giant Mech Suit is Like Something out of...
- Giant mech suits are the stuff of science fiction, but...
Chick-fil-a Worker Shows How Their Nuggets Are Made
- Ever wonder how Chick-fil-a makes their chicken...
Eye-Opening Tour Inside a Plastics Factory
- Honestly I never knew this is how plastic stuff gets...
Right Passed the Editors: 18 Movie Bloopers That Made...
- These movie bloopers made these movies memorable.
23 Major Fails that Should Have Never Happened
- This isn't how it's supposed to work. These mistakes...
Bryan Cranston Made Jerry Seinfeld Laugh Once on...
- The erstwhile Dr. Tim Whatley tells the story from the...
28 Famous People Made Old With The Faceapp Filter
- The Faceapp is back and people are sharing pictures of...
Man Recreates Lost Supermaterial That's Fireproof Up...
- In this video YouTuber NightHawkInLight recreates a...
30 Bizarre Things That Were Made in Prison
- People can get creative when serving time.
25 Times People Messed Up And It Was Comedy Gold
- Coincidences that will make you chuckle and laugh and...
26 Makeup Transformations
- It's hard to believe some of these are the same women....
24 Times Sh** Hit the Fan
- Times when things crumbled down around people.
25 People Who Made Huge Changes To Their Lives
- good example for others who want something different.
25 Times We Realized Shaq Was A Giant
- Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal, nicknamed "Shaq", is an...
38 Pictures That Make Millennials Feel Old
- This gallery wouldn't fit on a computer from 1999. If...
That Time A Guy Found A KFC Easter Egg
- When one lucky fan discovered a secret behind KFC's...
23 Times Makeup Pulled a Miracle
- Make-up artists are magicians... They pulled some dark...
This Employee Was Forced to Work Sick and It Got Messy...
- There was vomit, there was mopping, and even a written...
This Girls Boyfriend Didn't Respond So She Made A...
- Coming to a theater near you...
34 Times People Ruined Their Day
- Sh*t happens sometimes.
28 Times People Made Regrettable Mistakes
- Sometimes when you mess up, you really mess up.
28 People Who Just Missed the Mark
- So close, yet so far.
20 Movie Facts That Sound Like Total Bullsh*t
- These movie facts sound a little far fetched but are...
7 Accidental Discoveries That Made People Rich
- Sometimes when you get lucky it's in an unexpected...
24 People Who Made Terrible Mistakes
- Cancel everything, these people messed up.
27 Crazy Homemade Guns And Weapons
- And by homemade, we mean some of these were for sure...
Guy Makes Some Awesome Hand-Tooled Leather Wallets and...
- These are both badass and very highly crafted.
34 Times Mistakes Were Made
- Facepalms from people failing.
12 People Admit The Dumb Things Social Anxiety Made...
- Even the simplest of tasks can become a stressful...
24 People Who Made Horribly Embarrassing Mistakes
- Yeah, that's going to leave a mark.
23 People Who Made Terrible Mistakes
- These will make you feel better about all the stupid...
Hungry Husband Is NOT Thrilled About Dinner
- You made me a grilled cheese?!
17 People Reveal The One Thing That Made Them...
- Breakups are never easy, unless your significant other...
21 Foods Made In China You Should Never Eat
- China is a major player supplying its food to North...
26 Times Questionable Choices Were Made
- We all make questionable choices, but some are...
50 Times Tumblr Made Us Laugh Our Asses Off
- The weird and wtf that is random Tumblr uploaders.
This Homemade Wood Cutting Machine Is Simple But...
- A Polish man engineered a solution to his wood...
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