Impractical Jokers Former Star Joe Gatto Scolds Man...
- A woman getting harassed by an anti-fur male Karen is...
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'They Hate This': 24 Tweets from Self-Proclaimed Alpha...
- Australian author, Nick Adams is a character to say...
Male Karen Calls Cops on Bikers, Changes His Tune Once...
- This male Karen finds a few bikers parked on private...
23 Scams, Pseudo-Sciences, and Rip Offs People Still...
- Back in the 19th century, P.T. Barnum said that a...
25 Double Standards That Drove People Mad
- Long ago, everyone's parents kept saying "life's not...
22 Best Mustaches of All Time
- Here it is. The definitive list. The best mustaches in...
20 Samples of Women Writing Male Characters and the...
- If we're being honest, the stereotypes run both ways....
21 Charts to Help the Most Clueless of Gentlemen
- Let's put all of our cards on the table, I have no...
34 Manly Memes to Send to the Boys
- These memes understand what it's like to be a dude -...
25 Overused Phrases Filled with Cringe
- Most of us use certain clichéd words and phrases each...
25 Turn Offs to Avoid on Your Next Date
- Have you been striking out with women? Maybe you were...
Female MMA Fighter Makes Quick Work of 520lb Male Sumo...
- It's like Chun-Li vs. E Honda from Street Fighter but...
Rude Customer Insists on Speaking to a Man, Gets His...
- You'd think in 2020 we'd be past this kinda stupidity...
Entitled Kevin Tries Holding Restaurant Responsible...
- For the uninitiated, Kevin is the male version of...
22 White Knights Straight 'Outta Simpville
- The internet can often be an entertaining yet...
11 Pathetic Rooms and Homes Found on r/MaleLivingSpaces
- Sometimes men can get by with nothing more than a thin...
Miami Police Captain Javier Ortiz Identifies as a...
- This whole exchange is like something out of a bad...
20 Infuriating and Untrue Things People Say About Men
- We only have one thing on our minds- and that's how...
Female Boss Lining Up Male Employees, Slapping Them,...
- Chinese employees being slapped in the face, and being...
30 Gender Switched Cosplays are Pretty Cool
- When females dress up as male characters and vice...
Power of Makeup Gender Bender Edition
- Real life transformations.
Lion Cub Triplets Meet Their Dad For The First Time
- A proud father meets his cubs at the Oregon Zoo's...
Male Abuse Victim Gets Laughed At, Talk Show Host OWNS...
- Jeremy Kyle sticks up for a male abuse victim on his...
Guy Triggers Female Reporter With Feminist Joke
- A last-minute wisecrack pushes one reporter right over...
17 Male Life Hacks That'll Improve Your Day-to-Day...
- Here are some dudely tips for all you hardcore dudes...
18 Highly Interesting Facts About Men
- Strange Facts regarding half of the world's population.
19 Guys Living The Ultimate Male Fantasy
- These guys found themselves surrounded by a tsunami of...
14 People That Don't Understand "Equality"
- With everyone fighting for equality, it is important...
26 Times People Fought For Causes in The Exact Wrong...
- These people strongly feel about what they know very...
Bill Burr's Answer to "Can Women Be Funny?" is Perfect
- That eloquent S.O.B.
Petitioning For 'Male Privilege' Income Tax
- Mark Dice asks people to help fight sexism with a...
14 Things You Didn’t Know About The Male...
- Most guys don’t know all they should about their...
13 Reasons You Should Be Having More Sex
- Looking for a way to appear younger? Look no further...
Wedding Turns Awkward When Groom Gets Pissed About Cake
- Whoops! She accidentally married that guy.
10 Wrestlers Who Did Porn
- Female and male wrestlers who were naughty outside of...
Lying Cheerleader Tries To Get Boyfriend Arrested For...
- She tried to get away with lying about one of the...
17 Male And Female Celebs Who Look Alike
- I know Hollywood is incestuous, but this is ridiculous.
The Worst Case Of Male Camel Toe
- The Prancersize lady is back with a whole lot of WTF!
Understanding The Male Logic
- 26 examples showing how the average guy's brain...
The Perfect Fit
- A collection of things that fit perfectly together.
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